
What headstock design for a SG

StubHead said:
The straightest-possible string pull means better function, which trumps cosmetics in my view. So I guess that'd be the Variax. Using an "LP" headstock might make it look like an Epiphone with the decal scraped off - it depends on who's watching. The Variax is a little different, but not out-and-out weird like the arrow or something.
You have any scientific data to back that up?... :dontknow:
The straightest-possible string pull means better function, which trumps cosmetics in my view. So I guess that'd be the Variax.
You have any scientific data to back that up?...

We have just finished a comprehensive study of 10,000 subjects, not just a double -blind study - where they wouldn't know the headstock of their instrument - but a triple-blind study, where they weren't even guitarists! Unfortunately, I left the data in my other computer, but the conclu...

"Wait! What's that horrible crunching sound!"
"Fido? Fido! Bad doggie, you ate another computer?"

Ahem. The conclusion was, nonetheless, probably not surprising to our regular readers, that being:

My guitar is better than your guitar.