
What headstock design for a SG

Last Triumph

Senior Member
Think I'm gonna go with the SG shape but where with a VIP shape the warmoth design is a safe choice, I can't decide on a suitable design of head stock for a SG.

I don't want to use the Gibson style as it's a bit too much like a clone, yet an SG will look silly with a Strat/Tele/Jackson style too.

Any suggestions.... I was thinking maybe about a V shape??

Also, how will a '59 profile Goncalo Alves with a Pau Ferro fingerboard sound / play?

Out of all the warmoth offerings the only reasonable choice would be a Gibson headstock. The whole guitar is a clone. There's no avoiding it. Embrace it. You could always get a paddle head and do it yourself but I still think it should be pretty close to a Gibby style. Some things you just don't mess with and an SG is one of them.  :guitaristgif:
I personally dig the variax shape the most when it comes to the 3x3 headstocks that Warmoth offers. This will have the lowest amount of sideways string pull past the nut. As far as looks go, I would not touch the V but that's just me. Gibson, Warmoth, and Variax look best to me.
If you want something different than the stock Gibson headstock, besides looking cool, nothing says "Warmoth" like their peghead...
Yeah, an SG really needs to be Gibson, Warmoth or Variax. And I'd really only consider the latter two in case of a trem.
Variax has a tiny bit straighter string pull, with less fan out to the sides.
I'd get a reverse firebird headstock on it.  That will really say custom and not look out of place.
Well if you're not into the Gibby look, I think for the SG, the best alternative would be the Ken Lawrence headstock. It's pretty radical like the SG and has the points and curves to match.. :headbang1:
DangerousR6 said:
Well if you're not into the Gibby look, I think for the SG, the best alternative would be the Ken Lawrence headstock. It's pretty radical like the SG and has the points and curves to match.. :headbang1:

That'd look good on a Mocking Bird!
If you wanna cut your own, and can live with conventional not-totally-straight-string-pull, Charles Fox makes some very, VERY nice acoustics with an attractive 3x3 headstock.  This would be pretty rad (with conventional tuners, not the slotted headstock):

Bagman67 said:
If you wanna cut your own, and can live with conventional not-totally-straight-string-pull, Charles Fox makes some very, VERY nice acoustics with an attractive 3x3 headstock.  This would be pretty rad (with conventional tuners, not the slotted headstock):

That would be a PRS, no?
DangerousR6 said:
I beg to differ.. :dontknow:

Fair play - that does look really good.

I'll be buying it complete from Warmoth so will use their selection. The Variax is a strong contender at the moment.

Bagman67 said:
PRS is so iconically, well, PRS that I don't see it working well with the SG.
Your original post, before you changed it, you said the such and such would look good with a more prominent scoop. And I replied, that would be a PRS... :icon_biggrin:
DangerousR6 said:
Bagman67 said:
PRS is so iconically, well, PRS that I don't see it working well with the SG.
Your original post, before you changed it, you said the such and such would look good with a more prominent scoop. And I replied, that would be a PRS... :icon_biggrin:

I take your meaning.  The assymetry of the PRS kinda shortcircuits that idea in my brain, but I get what you mean.
The straightest-possible string pull means better function, which trumps cosmetics in my view. So I guess that'd be the Variax. Using an "LP" headstock might make it look like an Epiphone with the decal scraped off - it depends on who's watching. The Variax is a little different, but not out-and-out weird like the arrow or something.