tfarny said:
Strat neck, all maple.
Bridge humbucker - SD pearly gates with a magnet swap
dual HB black strat pickguard
all the parts for the controls including a super switch
strap buttons
all the screws and stuff
credit card
And NOOOOOOO need for another electric guitar!! Somebody help me.
needs another guitar. The proper question is whether you
want another guitar. The answer, of course, is yes. So, buy a body and put the thing together. It's the only way to end the confusion.
Either that, or sell it all and buy drugs. Illicit ones. Ones that are either entertaining in and of themselves, or can be abused to that point. I would suggest peyote, if you're mentally stable enough. Although, if you're asking this question, I would suggest that you are not. So, you may want to stick to barbituates or narcotics. Just be careful. Those things will calm you down, sometimes to the point where you forget to breathe, which is dangerous.
If you're feeling dangerous, just scribble something up, and Doug'll make you a neck plate. Then you'll
have to buy a body. Then you'll
have to build a guitar.
So, you see, you have no choice.