
What am I gonna do with these parts?


Master Member
Strat neck, all maple.
Bridge humbucker - SD pearly gates with a magnet swap
dual HB black strat pickguard
all the parts for the controls including a super switch
strap buttons
all the screws and stuff
credit card

And NOOOOOOO need for another electric guitar!! Somebody help me.
Sell the neck.  Say it's a richie blackmore signature model neck or something.

Build up the pickguard, maybe with a neck PU, or not, then sell that.  You can call it a, er, eric clapton/santana/jeffbeck/vanhalen collaboration pickguard.

Take the proceeds and buy beer.  At the Dexter Lake Club.  For everyone.
sometimes you find these squiers real cheap or just the body on ebay...
I think Dangerous Doug pulled this off with a warmoth neck!!


but you will still have a bunch of hardware left, so you still need to build another exotic warmoth strat! :) :icon_biggrin:
Mayflown said:
Sell the neck.  Say it's a richie blackmore signature model neck or something.

Build up the pickguard, maybe with a neck PU, or not, then sell that.  You can call it a, er, eric clapton/santana/jeffbeck/vanhalen collaboration pickguard.

Take the proceeds and buy beer.  At the Dexter Lake Club.  For everyone.
I had / am thinking about getting a MIM body off of craigslist with a MIM bridge, slapping it together and selling it as a "custom blacktop" model on craigslist - could be a fun project for the winter.

The neck is not going back on Ebay - screw that place. The kid who wanted to return it - I agreed to refund his money minus my shipping cost but he wanted a full refund, so he opened a dispute with me, shipped the neck. When UPS marked the item as "delivered", they AUTOMATICALLY deducted his full refund from my paypal, before I even got to examine the package, approve the refund, anything.
Seller beware!!!
Send me the Pearly Gate, and the pickguard. Then dispurse the rest around the globe.... :blob7:
tfarny said:
Strat neck, all maple.
Bridge humbucker - SD pearly gates with a magnet swap
dual HB black strat pickguard
all the parts for the controls including a super switch
strap buttons
all the screws and stuff
credit card

And NOOOOOOO need for another electric guitar!! Somebody help me.

Nobody needs another guitar. The proper question is whether you want another guitar. The answer, of course, is yes. So, buy a body and put the thing together. It's the only way to end the confusion.

Either that, or sell it all and buy drugs. Illicit ones. Ones that are either entertaining in and of themselves, or can be abused to that point. I would suggest peyote, if you're mentally stable enough. Although, if you're asking this question, I would suggest that you are not. So, you may want to stick to barbituates or narcotics. Just be careful. Those things will calm you down, sometimes to the point where you forget to breathe, which is dangerous.

If you're feeling dangerous, just scribble something up, and Doug'll make you a neck plate. Then you'll have to buy a body. Then you'll have to build a guitar.

So, you see, you have no choice.
Nope, I decided - I'm making a HH strat from a used body I find on ebay and re-selling the whole thing on craigslist. Should be fun except for the selling part. Proceeds will either go to benefit hunger in Africa or a Marshall 18 watt clone. Hmmmmmm.......

Cagey's idea has merit, though.....if I smoke at all these days I can't tie my shoes for 72 hours afterward though, so I had to give that up a while back.
Nobody needs another guitar. The proper question is whether you want another guitar. The answer, of course, is yes. So, buy a body and put the thing together. It's the only way to end the confusion.

Either that, or sell it all and buy drugs. Illicit ones. Ones that are either entertaining in and of themselves, or can be abused to that point. I would suggest peyote, if you're mentally stable enough. Although, if you're asking this question, I would suggest that you are not. So, you may want to stick to barbituates or narcotics. Just be careful. Those things will calm you down, sometimes to the point where you forget to breathe, which is dangerous.

If you're feeling dangerous, just scribble something up, and Doug'll make you a neck plate. Then you'll have to buy a body. Then you'll have to build a guitar.

So, you see, you have no choice.

Answer to solve it all: Order a body, walnut with a finish by tonar so it will sink into the grain for a cool aesthetic. Then, assemble everything. New guitar. Next step: Buy whisky. Enjoyment!

Alternative option: Buy 1 liter of really good top shelf whisky. consume with in a week. Major smoke sesh.
Ok, I got it.

Look at the neck and see what you saw. Take the saw and cut the neck in half. Two halves make a whole. Crawl in the whole, and you're out! Send Mayfly the parts he wants, put the rest in a junk drawer for "just in case", and tell the significant other that you did what they wanted. Then pout for as long as you can while you plan your revenge.
Well, I got no significant other anymore, so's I gots the say-so in my axe-collectin'. Also in my boozerating. It's just the plain fact - I realistically play maybe three electrics and the others sit under the bed. And it's kinda full under there. Actually I still want to sell that Ibanez semi I've got. A new amp, on the other hand, or a 12 string acoustic...
To be honest, I'm in a similar situation. There's no reason to have as many guitars as I do, and they're eating up a lotta real estate.

I just can't bear the thought of getting rid of any of them. They're my babies! Besides, even if I parted them out it's a loser deal. Of course, that's true of a lot of things, but still.

Gonna have to do something, though. Can't just keep building them and stacking them up. Ain't no sense in that. Maybe if I just dumped a couple and bought an AxeFX, I might not cry myself to sleep for more than a couple days.
Cagey said:
tfarny said:
Strat neck, all maple.
Bridge humbucker - SD pearly gates with a magnet swap
dual HB black strat pickguard
all the parts for the controls including a super switch
strap buttons
all the screws and stuff
credit card

And NOOOOOOO need for another electric guitar!! Somebody help me.

Nobody needs another guitar. The proper question is whether you want another guitar. The answer, of course, is yes. So, buy a body and put the thing together. It's the only way to end the confusion.

Either that, or sell it all and buy drugs. Illicit ones. Ones that are either entertaining in and of themselves, or can be abused to that point. I would suggest peyote, if you're mentally stable enough. Although, if you're asking this question, I would suggest that you are not. So, you may want to stick to barbituates or narcotics. Just be careful. Those things will calm you down, sometimes to the point where you forget to breathe, which is dangerous.

If you're feeling dangerous, just scribble something up, and Doug'll make you a neck plate. Then you'll have to buy a body. Then you'll have to build a guitar.

So, you see, you have no choice.

Have I mentioned that YOU KILL ME??!!  :laughing11:
Maybe once, but it's always good to hear. I live to kill, although I don't send any money or food to Africa. I do this for the same reason I don't throw sugar on my lawn to get rid of the ants. It's incredibly cruel. It just encourages them to reproduce when there's no natural resources to support their survival, so you end up with more dead ants than you normally would, mostly babies, as well as too many ants for them to live healthy, fulfilling lives without eating each other. I suppose if I had a really good macro lens on a wicked video camera, I could make some monster movies, but I think that's already been done to death [no pun intended].
To be more precise. No one may need another guitar. But anyone needs one of each!

The one in standard tuning, the DADGAD, the open G, the Baritone in F, the standard with humbuckers, the drop-d with P-90's und so weiter ... you get the point now?  :icon_jokercolor:

And those who gig on a regular basis will need backups for all of those above.

And also ... the Ibanez', the Fender's, the Gibson's need to be replaced by Warmoths.

Actually ... there is a lot of needing going on come to think of it.  :icon_biggrin:
I already have a baritone, one with 13s in open D for slide, a semi, one with buckers, one with P90s, a lap steel, etc. I also play my acoustic more often than all of them together. It is true that I don't have a maple necked big apple strat, though! Maybe THAT will be the one that makes me a great player...
Cagey said:
Maybe once, but it's always good to hear. I live to kill, although I don't send any money or food to Africa. I do this for the same reason I don't throw sugar on my lawn to get rid of the ants. It's incredibly cruel. It just encourages them to reproduce when there's no natural resources to support their survival, so you end up with more dead ants than you normally would, mostly babies, as well as too many ants for them to live healthy, fulfilling lives without eating each other. I suppose if I had a really good macro lens on a wicked video camera, I could make some monster movies, but I think that's already been done to death [no pun intended].

I agree totally, and much of the money that is donated ends up being stolen, and not used for food at all. A sad situation indeed.
    Maybe once, but it's always good to hear. I live to kill, although I don't send any money or food to Africa. I do this for the same reason I don't throw sugar on my lawn to get rid of the ants. It's incredibly cruel. It just encourages them to reproduce when there's no natural resources to support their survival, so you end up with more dead ants than you normally would, mostly babies, as well as too many ants for them to live healthy, fulfilling lives without eating each other. I suppose if I had a really good macro lens on a wicked video camera, I could make some monster movies, but I think that's already been done to death [no pun intended].

I agree totally, and much of the money that is donated ends up being stolen, and not used for food at all. A sad situation indeed.

There have been a few books written by ex-aid workers, basically pleading "STOP sending money & food." Whichever warlord/family/criminal/govt. "agency" (they're all the same thing) that controls the ports have first shot at the shipments, and they get rich, that's all. None of the food makes it to the starving people, anyway. And those ads that show one particular starving child, and insinuate that your money can be directed to one particular little kid? Forget it, "truth in advertising" has been the single biggest victim of deregulation. It's a big, typical bureaucratic ass-covering cycle - they have to pay "top dollar" to get "good people", then those good people have to justify their existence by success in fund-raising - not fund-disbursing -  and starving little Ruby's lot in life never changes. Every capital city in Africa has a "green zone" (like Iraq) where the white aid workers and administrators and salesmen live, eat, drink, complain, and job-seek - there's very little connection to the people except on the lowest level of well-meaning Peace Corp types, who do one tour and get out when they see how it works. There's no real incentive to dismantle the system - the warlords get rich, the administrator/fundraisers get rich, and the grandmas in Omaha feel good about themselves. 