What a tragedy to this top...


Master Member
Not sure why even on a nice top.

Pesky art majors.

"Here, I turned this into a ghastly POS.  Please buy it!"

It can be saved... if you wanna call it that:
Bagman67 said:
Pesky art majors.

"Here, I turned this into a ghastly POS.  Please buy it!"


It's like, do ya add maple sawdust to epoxy & just fill it all?  Do you sand it all down?  Or do you just burn the thing?
Verne Bunsen said:
"Tremolo recess has some chipping" he says...  :sad1: That's a shame.
Wrong vowel.  More like chopping.  I was thinking, okay, you could fill the top in and paint it a solid color, but the hack job to the tremolo rout makes it a moot point.  Well, at least burning wood keeps you warm.

Why anyone would think this is a good idea is beyond me.
That's why they have $99 guitar kits. So you can try out this kind of ideas and find out the idea actually isn't all that great and your execution is even worse - all without causing a heap of grown men to weep like babies.
      I've always wanted to destroy a guitar (but in the fun way, not this way) playing it live.  It helps that I've hardly ever played live since 1996.  It just seems like something that would be really enjoyable, but also really disingenuous as I would have to buy a POS to smash.  There's a video of a Nirvana show where Kurt Cobain puts down his Jag-Stang and plays a cheap Made in Mexico Strat for the last song during which the guitar will be destroyed.  It seems really hokey if you have to pre-plan it.  However one of the best days of my life revolved around pre-planned destruction.  Back in the summer of 1987 two friends and I each chipped in $5 apiece to buy a Schwinn bike at a neighborhood garage sale.  We spent the entire day ghost riding that bike into every object and down every hill in the neighborhood.  The bike was tough and would not give in.  Finally, later in the day my older brother and his friends came along and they repeatedly went to the top of the hill in my front yard, lifted the bike over their heads, and threw it down to the pavement below until the Schwinn was a heap of twisted metal.  Good times.
Rereading this, I had to laugh at this:
" Unfortunately, someone decided to try their artistic abilities on the nice maple top and carve a facial nightmare into it."

I once heard a fire investigator telling me about interview a 4yo about a suspicious fire. "Were you playing with matches?" "No." "Was someone playing with matches?" "Yes".... he managed to get the whole story as long as the subject was "somebody".

I can't imagine "someone" accepting this to sell at "their store".  Sure maybe see if some sucker will throw a few bucks at it, but it's not an auction, it's BIN only.
swarfrat said:
Rereading this, I had to laugh at this:
" Unfortunately, someone decided to try their artistic abilities on the nice maple top and carve a facial nightmare into it."

I once heard a fire investigator telling me about interview a 4yo about a suspicious fire. "Were you playing with matches?" "No." "Was someone playing with matches?" "Yes".... he managed to get the whole story as long as the subject was "somebody".

I can't imagine "someone" accepting this to sell at "their store".  Sure maybe see if some sucker will throw a few bucks at it, but it's not an auction, it's BIN only.

Maybe it was the owners little brother  :)