
Warmoth Stormbringer


Senior Member
Well, finally, everything arrived... It was a piece of cake to put together and was basically perfect when done. In fact, the minute I was done and set up, I had a huge band jam to go do. She came though like a champ, sounds absollutely fantastic! The Canarywood neck is without a doubt, the BEST neck I have ever felt and played (even kills my oldschool ESP)...

Alder with Flamed Maple Cap, routed for Wilkinson tremelo, finished in Bengal Burst
Solid Canarywood neck, sans fret markers (except skull and crossbones at 12th), reverse CBS headstock, SS 6105 frets, Graphtech nut
EMG SA's, ala Gilmour, standard stratocaster control placement, black hardware

Not for everybody, but is definately working for me...



More pics to follow...
Nice!  I love single inlays.  Reverse headstocks, not so much though, but still a sweet lookin guitar  :kewlpics:
Very cool from top to bottom.  The canary and bengel flame work really well together, especially with the single 12th fret inlay.  The big reverse headstock almost give it that Washburn N4 sorta look.  Looks great.

Not what I'd go for but the colours work well together and the neck is gorgeous! I'm considering a canary neck for a future build, what do you like about it? And given that this is very subjective, how does it sound?

I like the whole thing! the neck is especially sexy! love the clean look of the single inlay.
Thanks everyone, appreciate the kind words. It's nice to actually be a member of the Warmoth family now (been wanting to build this for some time)... Hoping the colors of the neck would fit the body colors was something I was concerned about, but upon opening my package, it was obvious to me that it was what I was looking for. Kudos to the Warmoth team for picking some beautiful stuff for me. I noticed the N4 similarity as well...

The neck to me has a real waxy sort of feel, very slick.  As far as tone goes, since I am running the EMG's it is very clean, but very full sounding.  I've been told that Canary has tonal qualities similar to maple and I can hear that in it. The feel of the wood though takes it off the board. Awesome stuff!  I am very sure that I will never buy off the shelf instruments anymore after this experience. It's been totally top notch and the advice and knowledge I gleaned from a lot of you in making my decisions was very pinnacle, thanks a lot! Go exotic, it is WAY worth it...
That´s sweet, has some similarities with what i have in mind for an upcoming Strat project. Very warm looking.
I´m strugling most between hardware colour now, leaning towards gold, but don´t want it to be to bling bling either.

I´m not to fond of the CBS headstock, but canary sure looks beautyful.
Congrats with a very nice build.
Well, Storm, that is truly unique,  You are not going to run into anyone else with anything like that!  I might add it is pretty bad-ass. 
that is a beautiful guitar. i was seriously jonesing for that body in the showcase(assuming you got it there), glad you got it and are so happy. i want to try a canary neck as well.
eBay from some shop in Oklahoma.  I'll see if I can't dig up the info.  Basically just SAs witht the EXG and SPC added in.