
Warmoth Pro vs. Vintage Modern


Yeah, I did do a search, but an hour later don't have an answer.

I have a couple of VM necks and like them. I'm now building a Tele and am about to order a neck. The only ones I can find that meet my specs are Pro construction. I understand it has a different truss rod (heavier and/or more complex system, which is my main concern) and a side adjuster (I'd be curious to know where that resides...).

Anyway, about 10 years ago, I built a Warmoth Strat and the necks they built then (at least the one I ordered) had a much heavier truss rod system and made for a very dead-sounding guitar. A luthier friend told me of his theory and suggested a Carvin neck, which instantly transformed it into a great sounding guitar and I played it that way for many years. It now has a recent vintage VM neck (I wanted a more "correct" look) and it still sounds great.

My concern - are the Pro construction necks going to be like the one I had a long time ago in terms of tone? It played and looked great, but it sounded bad on both guitars I tried it with.

Any help is appreciated - thanks!
Side adjuster is on the treble side of the heel near about the 18 -20th fret area.
I found plenty on the Warmoth site - it's here I was looking. I want user opinions/experiences, not Warmoth's. When I talk to them, it's all awesome. But they say that the Pro necks are very similar to what I had before. That's what makes me nervous. I realize it's only $200 and I could re-sell it, but I'd prefer to get it right the first time. And I'd have to order a VM neck right now - 4 to 6 weeks unfinished.

I put my money on the Vintage Modern with 21 frets, fatback if you please.  Adjusts fine from the nut area
I've got one of each with near identical specs (Tele, standard thin, compound radius, maple back, rosewood fingerboard - only difference is the fret wire and construction type). I ordered the Pro one first because I just assumed it was a better design based on what Warmoth say. Frankly the side adjuster pissed me off so much, that was the main reason for going VM on my second neck. I can't actually notice a difference in weight, tone or stability, literally the only difference as far as I can tell is the VM doesn't bother with the stupid side adjuster. Now I'm only going to be touching Warmoth Pro when I either have to (24.75" conversion) or when I'm using an angled headstock. Otherwise, VM all the way.
I think I'm agreeing with you. I just hung up with Warmoth. The guy was forthcoming, said the Pro was very similar to my old neck that I didn't care for. He loves them for his style of music, but he's a shredder/metal guy. Not even close to what I do...and this time, maybe it does matter.

He suggested I stick with the VM. Right now they don't any built with the profile I want (either 59 round or Clapton), but I may just order a standard slim and be done with it. They have some nice ones already built. I've played a bunch of Teles with different necks in all price ranges. I can hang with any of the necks and can't find a definitive connection between larger neck and improved tone. One of the best I played was a Custom Shop with a very slender neck.

Thanks for the responses everyone.

Wildwind said:
The guy was forthcoming, said the Pro was very similar to my old neck that I didn't care for. He loves them for his style of music, but he's a shredder/metal guy.

Undoubtedly that heavier truss in the Pro works well for shred/metal - from my own comparative experience, it scoops the mids out.

I don't play that stuff anymore so I always stick to the warm, middy Vintage Modern for "Classique Rawk".