
VOX AC4TV Mini (short circuit)?


Hero Member
I knew it was too good to be true: VOX AC4TV mini for $139 via MF SDOT...

I thought it was Christmas, for about 10 minutes.
Amp sounded great through my 4x12, felt great, really took off, blooming feedback  :toothy10: from this lunchbox of 4W??? until...my signal started...cutting...out. Thought it was the 90 cable that I had grabbed out of convenience, and wanting to fire her up ASAP.

Jiggling the cable...intermittent signal loss more frequent now. My thoughts dwelling on the cable possibly falling out of the output jack (gravity). Did I smell something burning?  :redflag:

Shut her down, come back 2-3 hours later. Power but no signal, nothing, kaputski. Swapped out different cables. Double check speaker ohmage, was still correct at 16 ohms. Still no signal.

I call up MF and ask for an exchange. They tell me they are not receiving any more any time soon, issue a return instead.
I got this little guy at such a bargain via SDOTD, I hate to send him back for good. Was thinking about bringing it over to my amp guy. Diagnosis perhaps? I unscrewed the back to save time.

Can't justify $300 on a new puppy. $139 was a bargain. Why doesn't it just fudging work the way its supposed to?  :sad:
got any pics for us?  Hows the B+ fuse (assuming it has one)?  Proper speaker cable out back?

You could ask your amp guy for a non-invasive analysis then make your decision then...
You're right Mayfly, I should have taken pictures, but the emotional roller coaster (low expectations, disbelief, joy, elation, and finally the disappointment and sadness of a broken toy) ride I experienced in about 10 minutes threw all protocol out the window. I forgot.  :doh:

Its with my guy, hopefully he'll be good to me.