
Vintage SG at local shop


Epic Member
Check out this guy:


kinda cool.  I may go down there just to play it.
SG Junior's are the coolest! (I know technically it's a Les Paul, but you know what I mean.) Would be really cool to get the chance to play one of those. Not something you get to see every day, really.
Thanks for posting this, it solves a minor question that I had over a junior that I used to own. I was never sure if mine was a Les Paul or SG junior. Mine had the full bat-wing pickguard, not the one here. The dead giveaway was the big Les Paul on the headstock. Mine never had that.
I sure miss that guitar. Had to sell it, along with an old Fender Musicmaster guitar to pay rent back in the late 80's. I hope she's being treated well.
Thanks again!