
*** Unofficial Warmoth "ROCK Like an Egyptian" Giveaway! ***

Okay, sure, I'll free-associate:  One of my best friends (like me, a lawyer who found better thiings to do than be a litigator) described law school as  "a hideous pie eating contest where the only prize is more pie."
Let's see, 1 in 67, I was born in 67. Today is the last entry day, the 13th, 6+7=13 and the month and day I was born =13... :icon_biggrin:
Looks like you and I will have to split the prize based on that logic, Doug - I, too, was born in 67, and I was born 1/12, and 1+12 = 13, so...
Bagman67 said:
Looks like you and I will have to split the prize based on that logic, Doug - I, too, was born in 67, and I was born 1/12, and 1+12 = 13, so...

Bagman67 vs. DangerousR6 - Highlander style? Over the fires of Mordor? Or like a ladder match where Great Ape's body (the guitar of course) is hanging above the ring?
They can rassle over it. I'll just hold it here in a nice display case for the next 99 years or so.
Those are good odds. Better than good. However, I think there should be 67 prizes, 66 of which are mere run-of-the-mill showcase bodies.
Good lord, 1 in 67? Those are truly remarkable odds! Many thanks to the folks at Warmoth and to Mr. Ape for the time and materials spent recognizing us forum dwellers with this. And good luck to us all! I'm eagerly awaiting the build, even if I'm not doing it myself  :icon_thumright:
stratamania said:
Thats cool, when do we get to know the outcome of this fine contest ?
Please remember y'all, that the finish on this thing is goin' t'take another week or two t'complete, and
then it'll be sent back to Warmoth for shipping to...well, to who knows, but to someone out there. So
please be patient. Most of you have plenty of experience waitin' on the goodies from Warmoth already, so this ain't nothin' new...
This has been a whole lotta fun for me--It was an extreme honor being asked to do this project, and
likewise an honor to have it go to one of you! It's gonna be very cool to see just where the winner takes this thing in completing it! Thank to all of you!!  Greg
The time to know will be known when it is time for the knowing one to be notified, as they will then know, and therefore, for those that do not know, will continue until the "not knowing" time is completed, thus, then what must be known to the unknown will then be known, and the unknown will then be "in the know".
Great Ape said:
Please remember y'all, that the finish on this thing is goin' t'take another week or two t'complete, and
then it'll be sent back to Warmoth for shipping to...well, to who knows, but to someone out there. So
please be patient. Most of you have plenty of experience waitin' on the goodies from Warmoth already, so this ain't nothin' new...
This has been a whole lotta fun for me--It was an extreme honor being asked to do this project, and
likewise an honor to have it go to one of you! It's gonna be very cool to see just where the winner takes this thing in completing it! Thank to all of you!!  Greg

No, THANK YOU! :occasion14: