Folks have to also take into consideration, with the many choices Warmoth offers, there are some limits to some of these options with regard to compatibility of one component to another. This presents a challenge when utilizing a “Conditional Logic” entry system, and it can take some time to iron out all of those details into their proper place for a completely error free option implementation. With this in mind, there is no other “parts” website out there to assemble a complete parts list for a build that is anywhere near where Warmoth is in this game. Most May have some similar features, but definitely without the extensive options that Warmoth offers. The more options, the greater the challenge to make it comprehensive and completely compatible across all combinations. USACG May have had “some” options, but nowhere this many. Many manufacturers keep their options listings to a minimum for this very reason. Warmoth has always been, and continues to be light years ahead on this proportionately.