
two piece body glue-up


Hi all,
Having trouble getting nice seemless joints in my maple/walnut body.  I'm sure this is due partly to my inexperience with jointing and partly my cheap 6 1/8" Jointer from Home Depot. When constructing a solid body guitar from two pieces to be glued right up the middle, my seams appear and feel totally flat, but when I hold two pieces up to light before gluing, I can see light coming through, and after gluing it is evident that the guitar body is two glued pieces.  With previous projects I have had a furniture maker joint and glue for me, and I could never see light coming through, and the seam disappeared into the grain.  I'd like to learn to tackle this myself.  How can I achieve that perfect joint?

There's a very well-done tutorial done by Ron Kirn on building a Strat. On the first page, he goes through the steps involved with making a blank. You might want to check it out to see if there's anything new there you can use.
If it's the jointer, then obviously you're not starting with 2 straightedges to glue together.  If it's not the jointer, I would guess the wood is too wet and shrinking when drying and thus drawing apart.  If that's not the case, I would guess it's uneven clamping or not enough time allowed for the glue to dry before unclamping.
try taping sandpaper to the bed of the joiner and hand sanding the two edges until no light comes through.