Hi all,
Having trouble getting nice seemless joints in my maple/walnut body. I'm sure this is due partly to my inexperience with jointing and partly my cheap 6 1/8" Jointer from Home Depot. When constructing a solid body guitar from two pieces to be glued right up the middle, my seams appear and feel totally flat, but when I hold two pieces up to light before gluing, I can see light coming through, and after gluing it is evident that the guitar body is two glued pieces. With previous projects I have had a furniture maker joint and glue for me, and I could never see light coming through, and the seam disappeared into the grain. I'd like to learn to tackle this myself. How can I achieve that perfect joint?
Having trouble getting nice seemless joints in my maple/walnut body. I'm sure this is due partly to my inexperience with jointing and partly my cheap 6 1/8" Jointer from Home Depot. When constructing a solid body guitar from two pieces to be glued right up the middle, my seams appear and feel totally flat, but when I hold two pieces up to light before gluing, I can see light coming through, and after gluing it is evident that the guitar body is two glued pieces. With previous projects I have had a furniture maker joint and glue for me, and I could never see light coming through, and the seam disappeared into the grain. I'd like to learn to tackle this myself. How can I achieve that perfect joint?