
Tonarcaster / Chambered Stratocaster

Tuners and bridge assembly



Nice logo design kei, just looked at the website given on that and i think they will be able to do what i need for my next project,
which is waterslide decals but on a much bigger scale
Thanks a bunch  :hello2:
JimBeed said:
Nice logo design kei, just looked at the website given on that and i think they will be able to do what i need for my next project,
which is waterslide decals but on a much bigger scale
Thanks a bunch  :hello2:

glad you guys like it.

the site was formerly known as dec-arts and simon is really helpful so its worth every penny .

fingers too sore to turn those pegs yourself?
(just kidding with ya. I debated about a "What are you deaf"? joke, but seeing as I know some deaf folks, I decided against it.)
B3Guy said:
fingers too sore to turn those pegs yourself?
(just kidding with ya. I debated about a "What are you deaf"? joke, but seeing as I know some deaf folks, I decided against it.)

using them to bend better i guess
kinda torn...

Since the bridge is a two pivot bridge... and the body is routed for a vintage bridge.

a. Should I reroute it for a two pivot bridge?

b. Or can I change the bridge plate to a vintage speced one? I know the string spacing will be a problem and the position of the saddle screws will be different.

c. Or abandon it, and buy a Callaham.

Need opinions from you guys.
I'm not sure, check with Bill Callaham. I have switched blocks out on Callaham bridges without any trouble. 
Tonar8353 said:
I'm not sure, check with Bill Callaham. I have switched blocks out on Callaham bridges without any trouble. 

the problem is with the saddles.. its piezo.

i've sent callaham an email.. we'll see how this goes.
Mr. Callaham said its better to drill and go for two pivot... but the horror of watching that finish spoiled...
Tone and utility beat appearance every time. Even a Floyd is better than a 6 point bridge, or any of the other "vintage" designs. All those older designs are the reason vibrato bridges have a reputation for tone-sucking and inconsistent tuning.
Cagey said:
Tone and utility beat appearance every time. Even a Floyd is better than a 6 point bridge, or any of the other "vintage" designs. All those older designs are the reason vibrato bridges have a reputation for tone-sucking and inconsistent tuning.

thanks, i think i'll do the conversion. Was thinking of the possibility to do slide guitar with this baby.

this is what happens when plan changes in the middle of the process.

Anyone knows if the vintage holes will be visible when the Am. Std trem is installed?

Edit: answering my own question, no, the trem covers the hole. just verified it just now
Ok this baby is off the spray stick and waiting for it to cure for the final rubout in 2 weeks. I thought I would take a shot of it with a mint guard to see how it looked since this is how I want to finish my 59 replica.  I was not sure if I wanted a mint or a single ply parchment and after seeing them both the mint wins!  I also included a photo of a real 59 to A/B it with, Kei this is a great looking guitar!
