
To cover or not to cover ? (Trem cover)

No trem-covers on mine. I always thought they were obstructing string changes and especially when using staggered trems like Wilkinson VSVG:


I dot not have super-sonic bat ears like Eric Johnson so I cannot detect any changes sound wise  :dontknow:
I have one on and one off.

honestly...I like it off.  Even with the holes in trem covers it is still a PIA to change the strings.  With it off there are no issues...plus you can go that Eddie Van Halen thing where he pulls his whammy string during a solo :guitarplayer2:

Also...if you ever decide to use a trem lock...it must be off.
I bought one when I made my guitar, however.... 2 years later.... I've yet to put it on.

I just cant' bring myself to drilling 6 holes in the back of my baby. :-)

naked all the way.
I'm definitely in the "no cover" camp.
It's just a pain and more holes in the body.

I don't do the truss rod cover either.

This is what I remember Warmoth saying about the issue. They can't recess the cover on recessed Floyd Rose guitars because the trem block and springs will hit the recessed trem cover. Would not be a problem on non-recessed Floyds. To avoid having people ordering incorrectly, Warmoth decided not to have the recessed cover option at all.
taez555 said:
I bought one when I made my guitar, however.... 2 years later.... I've yet to put it on.

I just cant' bring myself to drilling 6 holes in the back of my baby. :-)

naked all the way.

Exactly my thoughts word for word, I have a stack of trem covers sitting arround here somewhere
Uncovered. Under high-gain situations the springs can sometimes ring and sound like rattly reverb if left undampend. I have this problem less when they are left uncovered and I can press them against my shirt.
I was checking the crimson guitars blog out the other day and saw that the guy stuffs the springs with what looks like the foam plumbers use to insulate pipes.  Seems like a good idea and should solve that little problem - which can be nagging at times.

That aside, definitely naked.  Plus I'm always in there adjusting things and its a pain to take the plate on and off all the time.
Yeah, Off...unless its one of a bunch of guitars sittin in your house, your gonna get sick of removing it and leave it off eventually anyhow....never saw one on Stevie Ray Vaughans guitar...
Looks like I'm clearly in the minority here, but I put 'em on. I know no one ever sees the back of my guitar (at least not until I master soloing with the guitar over my head), but I like the look of the matching trem cover back there. It's like having the perfect tie to go along with a really nice suit.
Waaaay back in the day I saw a photo of the back of EVH's guitar and it didn't have the cover on. I took mine off that very day and haven't put one on since. The only trem cover I have on any of my guitars is on the Clapton Strat because it has a battery in there that will fall out. If that battery wasn't there that cover would go straight to the case and never see the light of day again.
mullyman said:
The only trem cover I have on any of my guitars is on the Clapton Strat because it has a battery in there that will fall out. If that battery wasn't there that cover would go straight to the case and never see the light of day again.

Well - technically that is a battery cover then?!  :icon_biggrin:
mullyman said:
The only trem cover I have on any of my guitars is on the Clapton Strat because it has a battery in there that will fall out. If that battery wasn't there that cover would go straight to the case and never see the light of day again.

That's why scotch tape was invented!  :icon_biggrin:
Superbeast520 said:
Death by Uberschall said:


Very Cool Tip......hope ya don't mind if I post that in the tip section............ :icon_thumright:

Yes, it is a very cool tip. As soon as I get to a point in my playing that I turn my guitar around and start flicking the strings with my fingernail it will come in very handy. hehe!! I'm not understanding the reasoning behind silencing your springs. Has anyone here ever noticed the sounds of your trem springs while playing?
BobR55 said:
Uncovered. Under high-gain situations the springs can sometimes ring and sound like rattly reverb if left undampend. I have this problem less when they are left uncovered and I can press them against my shirt.

Just put some toilet paper behind the springs.
I used to do that with my Ibanez, but with Strats, I think that rattle is just part of the Strat tone.