I've been thinking about getting myself an archtop semi-hollow for a christmas present (thanks, hon!). I went to a couple of stores and played: Epi dots, Epi sheratons, A few different Ibanezes (mainly the AFS73, chinese semihollow), an Epi elitist casino, and two gibsons. I have a set of SD Jazz / PG buckers I could put into something if it needed pickups, or I could get something from Roadhouse.
The Gibsons were so terrible - for fit and finish and feel - it was just shameful, and $2k! Gimme a break. One of them sounded pretty good I'll admit.
The dots - the ones at GC were so beat up and horribly set up it was even hard to say anything positive. The Sheratons were worse though. Look nice from a distance I suppose. At Sam Ash they has a properly set up Cherry Epi Dot that made me think I could do a dot with new pickups.
The Epi Elitist Casino (these are the Japanese ones, $1500 new retail) wins hands down for QC and overall fit and finish. A beautiful instrument. I kind of want buckers though, and I wasn't crazy about the P90s it had. Maybe with a pickup change it could be the one. Little bit out of my price range but for a lifetime keeper it's not a bad price.
I was very impressed with the overall quality of the cheap Ibanez products, but they need new pickups for sure. I just think their shape is slightly off - not ugly but not really appealing. Both the ones I tried played great though.
People say Hagstroms are nice, but they also say the neck is extra-slim which is a deal breaker and I've never seen one anyhow.
I might hold out for a used Elitist Dot, but I'd like to hear other opinions / options. Purpose is clean to a bit dirty, country to rock, and a good chance it would get .012s and see some slide action.
The Gibsons were so terrible - for fit and finish and feel - it was just shameful, and $2k! Gimme a break. One of them sounded pretty good I'll admit.
The dots - the ones at GC were so beat up and horribly set up it was even hard to say anything positive. The Sheratons were worse though. Look nice from a distance I suppose. At Sam Ash they has a properly set up Cherry Epi Dot that made me think I could do a dot with new pickups.
The Epi Elitist Casino (these are the Japanese ones, $1500 new retail) wins hands down for QC and overall fit and finish. A beautiful instrument. I kind of want buckers though, and I wasn't crazy about the P90s it had. Maybe with a pickup change it could be the one. Little bit out of my price range but for a lifetime keeper it's not a bad price.
I was very impressed with the overall quality of the cheap Ibanez products, but they need new pickups for sure. I just think their shape is slightly off - not ugly but not really appealing. Both the ones I tried played great though.
People say Hagstroms are nice, but they also say the neck is extra-slim which is a deal breaker and I've never seen one anyhow.
I might hold out for a used Elitist Dot, but I'd like to hear other opinions / options. Purpose is clean to a bit dirty, country to rock, and a good chance it would get .012s and see some slide action.