
Thoughts on semi-hollow archtops


Master Member
I've been thinking about getting myself an archtop semi-hollow for a christmas present (thanks, hon!). I went to a couple of stores and played: Epi dots, Epi sheratons, A few different Ibanezes (mainly the AFS73, chinese semihollow), an Epi elitist casino, and two gibsons. I have a set of SD Jazz / PG buckers I could put into something if it needed pickups, or I could get something from Roadhouse.

The Gibsons were so terrible - for fit and finish and feel - it was just shameful, and $2k! Gimme a break. One of them sounded pretty good I'll admit.
The dots - the ones at GC were so beat up and horribly set up it was even hard to say anything positive. The Sheratons were worse though. Look nice from a distance I suppose. At Sam Ash they has a properly set up Cherry Epi Dot that made me think I could do a dot with new pickups.
The Epi Elitist Casino (these are the Japanese ones, $1500 new retail) wins hands down for QC and overall fit and finish. A beautiful instrument. I kind of want buckers though, and I wasn't crazy about the P90s it had. Maybe with a pickup change it could be the one. Little bit out of my price range but for a lifetime keeper it's not a bad price.
I was very impressed with the overall quality of the cheap Ibanez products, but they need new pickups for sure. I just think their shape is slightly off - not ugly but not really appealing. Both the ones I tried played great though.
People say Hagstroms are nice, but they also say the neck is extra-slim which is a deal breaker and I've never seen one anyhow.

I might hold out for a used Elitist Dot, but I'd like to hear other opinions / options. Purpose is clean to a bit dirty, country to rock, and a good chance it would get .012s and see some slide action.
My Hagström Swede has spoiled me completely rotten when it comes to necks, nothing compares to it. You really need to try one if you get the chance!

I'm lusting for a Viking (the Hagström "335") but have better use for a small tube amp. The Viking I've tried was lovely, and the pickups were fine too.
Did youi try the Epi Emperor?
If imports aren't out of the question, you might want to seriously consider an Agile AS-820.



There are a bunch of them here (search for Agile AS-820) ranging in price between $320 and $360. If their solid body instruments are any indication, they're top-notch guitars that compete easily and favorably with Gibson/Epiphone offerings, often besting them. At the price, there's little risk. For what a Gibson of lesser quality costs, you could have about 8 of these.
I bought a used Heritage H-535 earlier this year.  It is very well made, and plays beautifully, but they are pricey new.
Who? said:
I bought a used Heritage H-535 earlier this year.  It is very well made, and plays beautifully, but they are pricey new.

They're very nice - they're what Gibsons used to be, back when they were the premium brand.
My rack is basically hollow bodys. And left to right, I love the Heritage Academy deluxe! All of the Heritage I've played have been outstanding. Equal to the upper end of the guys that moved out of their buildings. But they are still laminated tops & backs.
I've got a Blueshawk that I dearly love but mostly for weight & p90 tones rather than over all sound.
Next is a Highland Coventry Heg 790 (from korea thru canada) sounds like a solid body??
EPI Les Paul ES.Got 2 of these guys 335 style,Les Paul size. Import versian of the LP Florentine.Reasonable sound for a Korean. Better to my touch & ear than the current EPI semi-s.
Warmoth Strat chambered w/f-hole sounds like a solid body with a hole in it. Resonates forever.
If I was looking right now I would probably have to try an Eastman. Hate to go asian, but if they really can hand carve solid wood bodies for 1500.00 I'd have to at least see how it played.
There's my nickels worth. Hope it helps.
drewfx said:
I have a Dot and am very happy with it:

Same dot that I have. After some wiring mods, and a set of TV Jones PowerTron PUPS. Pretty impressed with it.
Cagey said:
If imports aren't out of the question, you might want to seriously consider an Agile AS-820.



There are a bunch of them here (search for Agile AS-820) ranging in price between $320 and $360. If their solid body instruments are any indication, they're top-notch guitars that compete easily and favorably with Gibson/Epiphone offerings, often besting them. At the price, there's little risk. For what a Gibson of lesser quality costs, you could have about 8 of these.

Thanks for this, but after my experience with a Rondo lap steel, I doubt I'll be getting one from them. I can get an Epi dot off of craiglist for about $250 if I want to go low-end, and that has the traditional 335 shape. I'm curious about the Heritage stuff but haven't seen one for a grand or less. The Epi Elitists might be calling my name....
Don't confuse "Rondo" with "Agile". Rondo is just a distributor. They have a number of different brands they sell, each with different levels of quality. The Agile brand is quite good. I'd take their higher-end stuff over Gibson's any day. Kinda like you can go to Guitar Center and get a blister-packed Strat-style piece of firewood with an amp, gig bag, strap, and even a pick for $99, while in the next room they're selling $5,000 PRS fiddles. So, the fact that you got a garbage pedal steel for $99 or whatever it was (surprise!) doesn't mean they don't sell some good stuff as well.
Oh cmon it's all the same company, probably the same factory, they just have the younger kids doing the Rondo / SX and the teenagers working on the Agiles.

1) The one I bought from them sucked beyond words - and a lap steel really doesn't have ANY excuse for sucking. It just wasn't even designed to work right.
2) They can't even use correct English on their website
3) I haven't seen any other one

Hence, 4) I'm not gonna buy one of those when I can get an epi dot off of craigslist for less, or a perfectly nice Ibanez for the same.
Believe what you want; it's your money. But, I'm a super-picky guy who's been watching the likes of Fender, Gibson, Rickenbacher, Gretch and other high-end manufacturers turn out instruments for 40 years now, owned many of them, as well as building/modifying my own, and I'd buy an Agile in a second. I've owned one of their Les Paul copies, and known others who have as well, and I mean to tell you they're the deal of a lifetime.
Cagey said:
Believe what you want; it's your money. But, I'm a super-picky guy who's been watching the likes of Fender, Gibson, Rickenbacher, Gretch and other high-end manufacturers turn out instruments for 40 years now, owned many of them, as well as building/modifying my own, and I'd buy an Agile in a second. I've owned one of their Les Paul copies, and known others who have as well, and I mean to tell you they're the deal of a lifetime.

I'll back you up on that. Agiles are a great deal for a really good guitar. I wonder if RavenWest has their guitars built by the same factory, as I have an LP model and it's awesome. Only cost me $200.
I refuse to consider Epi on the bases of their uber-dokry headstock alone. I guess gibson did it so people would still pony up for the high dollar brand
The Epi Casinos are full hollow (hence the trapeze). They go into feedback easier (which is good or bad depending on what you want).
Epiphones are all made in China, so they're just overcharging for what should be very inexpensive guitars. People forgive their faults because it's a "second-line" Gibson, which is to say it's a "third-line" guitar, since even Gibsons are essentially second-line instruments anymore. If you want a really high-quality instrument, you have to build it yourself, pay the premium to have somebody (talented and meticulous) here build it for you, or buy an Agile.
Custom Heritage Prospect Semi Hollow guitar ebay #270671779320

Enough said about the beauty above.
So I'll weigh in on the EPI AGILE asian thing.
I have owned my share of EPIs over the years. Currently I have 3. LP Custom, & 2LP ES semi-hollows.
If you've watched Epiphone for enough years you have seen that B4 gibson EPIs are better than after the aquisition. Gibson EPIs are better than the Jap made guitars, Japanese are better than Korean, Korean are better than Chinese. I guess you can see where this is going.
I will say that I was looking for an EPI Lucille at the time of the change from Korea to China and I held 5 different Lucys in one day. It was easy to see quality issues in the 3 chinese as compared to the 2 from korea, but I could see issues between those &  other guitars on the rack too. So I don't know that that proves much. I have heard that the newer guitars have much better quality but can't really verify. I would certainly consider a currrent EPI if I could play it 1st and had return privileges.
I've never owned an Agile but I looked at them a lot on eBay and think that they make guitars for several of the import sellers on eBay. Someone mentioned Raven & I think they & M. Dolsey carry very similar guitars.
If you are interested in the Agiles I would look at R.M. Olsen, rmolsonguitars.com> I'm pretty sure he uses Agile guitars. And he will custom make about any semi- that you want. LP or 335 size.
If you watch there are good USA made guitars that sell everyday for below their value. I am currently leaning towards "Buy American and save a country" in most of my new purchases, so I personally would look at some of the lesser know US builders and see what that gets ya.
BTW I am planning a 3 for 1 closet reduction sale soon if you are interested in an LP sized arch top
The agiles are nice...good finish and play well too.  Pickups suck

.  Many of the other asian guitars are nice too...Ibanez...Carlo Robelli..etc..right out of the box...

I just had this made...
If I was gettin' one of them, I'd go Agile or Hagstrom Viking.

Speaking of Vikings (cue "I am a viking" lyrics by Yngwie), how 'bout dem Vikings yesterday over the 'skins?  :icon_thumright: