
This is a Warmoth?!?

Graffiti62 said:
I think the only way this cat will have the chance to sell this thing and maybe get some money out of it is to try a pawn shop. You know, we may have actually seen this individual before--look at the first four minutes of this:


I watched that whole episode. Shame we don't have shows like that, it was entertaining :)
It's back on Ebay. Now its listed as "Ibanez ESP Copy Custom Build Guitar! Unique and Wicked!

  Amazing, simply amazing...
jwl68th said:
It's back on Ebay. Now its listed as "Ibanez ESP Copy Custom Build Guitar! Unique and Wicked!

  Amazing, simply amazing...

I don't get this person's persistence in making unsubstantiated claims about a cheap guitar.  :icon_scratch:
Why not just advertise it as a mutt and be done with it!
OzziePete said:
jwl68th said:
It's back on Ebay. Now its listed as "Ibanez ESP Copy Custom Build Guitar! Unique and Wicked!

  Amazing, simply amazing...

I don't get this person's persistence in making unsubstantiated claims about a cheap guitar.  :icon_scratch:
Why not just advertise it as a mutt and be done with it!

He is clearly a tube.
OzziePete said:
I don't get this person's persistence in making unsubstantiated claims about a cheap guitar.  :icon_scratch:
Why not just advertise it as a mutt and be done with it!

Well, it is "unique and wicked", after all </sarcasm>

Perhaps it is the nature of its wickedness that it compels him to misrepresent it. Y'know, like it's possessed or something <grin>
It seems to be the same people bidding too, sounds like he has mock bidders to bolster the price.
Its not fradulent. I'm the guitar player for Dave Koz, the listing fees don't matter to me, I've got more money than I can spend. The guitar is a Warmoth, but I took Warmoth out of the entire auction since so many novice amateur musicians were having problems with that. Whoever wins this guitar will be given a huge blessing because they will be getting a $1000 guitar for maybe $100. I do understand your vigilance in naming "fradulent" auctions, but this isn't one of them. Thank you for your question.

- helgeson5150

Is this guy insane? I really think he may be mentally ill.

he said that in response to this

Why do you keep posting Fraudulent listings for this guitar? doesn't that cost you a lot of money each time you relist?

and I replied with

No, Ken Warmoth of Warmoth guitars flat out told us that he did not build this guitar. SO you are telling me its Still a Warmoth... If that was true then NOW you are lying. and not even lying well. why?

now, ken didn't flat out tell us. but I figure if he bold face lies, I am allowed to stretch the truth.
ebay, home of the scammer
buying something unseen
from a person you will never see face to face
going off his description
sending money across state lines
and hoping he is honest

I sometimes wonder how people keep using the service and do not get ripped off more than they do.
Jusatele said:
ebay, home of the scammer
buying something unseen
from a person you will never see face to face
going off his description
sending money across state lines
and hoping he is honest

I sometimes wonder how people keep using the service and do not get ripped off more than they do.

Yeah ebay is bloody aweful, there is about a million fake sm57's on there, almost impossible to get the genuine product.
How many people do you think work at Warmoth guitars? Just Ken (who I've had dinner with many occasions)? Do you think Ken does all of the routing and building? Ken is hardly ever on site. One of his employees, Arn, routed my WARMOTH, did the wiring in my WARMOTH and shipped me my WARMOTH, PERIOD. Become a sucessful musician, you'll be suprised what you get and what people will do if you ask them.

- helgeson5150

I'm considering lying to him to top his lies... just to mess with him.
Did Ken say he didn't build it? I could be missing something, but I just pulled that he made them, but he stopped about 25 years ago. It's possible, with that information known.
Max said:
Did Ken say he didn't build it? I could be missing something, but I just pulled that he made them, but he stopped about 25 years ago. It's possible, with that information known.

Even if he didn't build it, they certainly talked about it over at least a couple of dinner dates.
How many people do you think work at Warmoth guitars? Just Ken (who I've had dinner with many occasions)? Do you think Ken does all of the routing and building? Ken is hardly ever on site. One of his employees, Arn, routed my WARMOTH, did the wiring in my WARMOTH and shipped me my WARMOTH, PERIOD. Become a sucessful musician, you'll be suprised what you get and what people will do if you ask them.

- helgeson5150

Well he just failed at being succesful  :laughing7: :laughing7:
This guy just keeps digging the hole deeper. First off he has no idea who Ken is if he says he is rarely on site. Ken works 6 days a week and is here from 8am to 6pm. Ken is the only one that built the neck through guitars that Warmoth produced period. At the time he was building neck throughs he was working out of his garage behind his house. This guy is full of it.
Why did he list it on Craigslist as a "Tradition" if it's really a Warmoth??  He's confusing himself with the number of lies he's telling.