
The "Toys In The Attic" Thread...post your "Group Shots"

elfro89 said:
I am a seriously envious man. I'm gonna blow all my college doe on warmoth strats, one shall be pretty much the same as your's (isn't stealing ideas fun?), and the other is gonna be flame maple body with black dye, natural masked dt binding and a clear gloss coat over the mahogony back, its gonna have a macassar ebony fingerboard with high grade flame maple neck hopefully a dyed vaneer headstick to match the body, all the hardware is gonna be gold and its gonna have a cream pearl pickguard. its gonna look awesome.

steal away dude! (my next build is gonna be a close Suhr clone...hahahah)  :icon_biggrin:
can't wait to see your new build!! thinking of a pearloid pickguard to go with my new build too.

@biggus pickus - what white spot???  :(
fibredrive said:
here's mine.


fibredrive...how do you like that blackstar?  Is that the 5W or 20W head??
That's the 20 watt head with reverb. I have the 5 watt head and it's fun. I could mic it for a gig, but I have other heads for that. The 20 watt version would be a great bedroom/band amp.
steal away dude! (my next build is gonna be a close Suhr clone...hahahah)  :icon_biggrin:
can't wait to see your new build!! thinking of a pearloid pickguard to go with my new build too.

@biggus pickus - what white spot???  :(

have to say ive seen many a suhr in the local shops but at the £1800 pricetag (that being the entry level suhr) i was afriad to even pick it up, they look properly bitchin, but i'd rather spend the doe on 2 warmoths, so good call on the clone :P I'm currently in love with strats, gonna buy a few and calm this hunger of mine and then think about something else, those vip's look bitchin.
DMRACO said:
fibredrive...how do you like that blackstar?  Is that the 5W or 20W head??

as mentioned, it's the 20w head with verb. in short, it rocks.

the long of it, i am particularly impressed with their emulated speaker outputs. direct connection to my sound card and i am recording. the recorded sound is pretty awesome to me. it sounds like it's been EQ'ed just right with a nice balance of highs and lows, and i don't really have much post-processing to do. Compared to my mic'ed up sounds, i must say the blackstar seems to have gotten the concept right. apart from that, it does rock and metal really well. dialing back the gain produces a nice breakup but for creamy overdrive i still rely on my Suhr Shiba Drive. to me, that's in a class of it's own.

@elfro - dude, i am in a strat phase too!! swore off strats but recently picked up my old SRV records and started listening again and man, i am back in strat heaven. started digging out my eric johnson cds as well to appreicate some of his awesome strat tones. which explains my desire to build a strat! and definitely concur with you on Suhr's price. very much rather build my own too from Warmoth...that all indian rosewood almost quartersawn neck is beckoning to me....hmmm...

These are my girlfriends.

Gibson ES-335 Custom Shop
Warmoth Candy Tangerine Superstrat
EBMM Steve Morse
Gibson Les Paul Standard

The Norwegian Guy said:

These are my girlfriends.

Gibson ES-335 Custom Shop
Warmoth Candy Tangerine Superstrat
EBMM Steve Morse
Gibson Les Paul Standard

Love the Honey Burst Les Paul.  :headbang1:
The Warmoth is nice too.  :toothy11:
fibredrive said:
here's mine.

btw, gotta love Uberschall's setup!

Left side - Warmoth 02 - Spalted Maple Strat with Mahogany Body, Macassar Ebony Board and Bubinga Neck.
Right side - Warmoth 01 - White Korina Body, Mahogany Neck and Ebony Board.
Ground - Suhr Shiba Drive, MXR Carbon Copy & Toadworks John Bull Jr.


Both those guitars are quite beautiful.  What's the finish on the LP, tobacco burst?  Also, did you get the white korina body off the showcase?  I've never seen white korina as an option in the builders.

Man I still cant get enough of the strat what an awesome looking machine. But yeah, im been listening to loads of 80's strat pop, i just love that marshall/fender compressed with chorus sound. I love it!

huey lewis all the way!
