
The "Toys In The Attic" Thread...post your "Group Shots"

Nice to see something by G that isn't exactly what they've always done, and slightly less gimicky.
That damage aint too bad...Still very noice color.
^ yeah the tailpiece is neat.

I like that contrast of the finish and the Black hardware...Gibby with black hardware? so cool. That series was great.
seeing as how I just figured out how to post pics on here (duuh, I know) - heres 4 of mine:

A Warmoth EVH-style super-tele using the Kramer neck on the left is planned in the none too distant future, also a Ritchie Blackmore strat replica is currently being built for me....
here ya go


on the couch by order of finish:
warmoth maple tele
Warmoth Mahogany/flame LP
Warmoth Korina/maple Soloist
Warmoth Korina/maple LPS
Warmoth Korina/Zebra strat.

On the floor
Warwick bass I mounted a vintage Kahler too
Peavey Bass
Charvel San Dimas
Gibson Robot Les Paul
Ibenez ebay special with kahler...redone by me
fender Squire mini strat
Current amps:
Bogner Uberschall (Rev2)
Carvin Tube 100
Fender Tweed Deluxe 5E3 (1957)
HiWatt DR504 (Reeves era)
Marshall 9100
Mesa Dual Recto head (#654/chrome chassis/black diamond plate)
Mesa RoadKing head (red crocodile leather)
Mesa Tri-Axis/2:90
Randall RG80 head (early/carpet)
Rivera Knuckle Head Tre'
Soldano SLO head (rare chrome crocodile, w/depth mod located at Line Level location on back of head)
Spiegel 603a





I got it covered.








My BYOC Fully Loaded Phaser I built.



There are some misc. pedals and rack gear not pictured (Bogner/Halfer Triple Giant, AnalogMan Mojo modded DOD 250+, Monte Allums SD-1, etc) but you get the idea.
That Marshall micro half stack in your shot was awesome.  Honest to goodness belly laugh!  :laughing11:
I can see you having some sonic experimentation with all of your amps, and mess up the neighborhood's electricity.
Max said:
I can see you having some sonic experimentation with all of your amps, and mess up the neighborhood's electricity.

I have run the Uberschall and the SLO paralleled together, each with one of the Mesa 4x12 cabs, it was massive.  :o

The worst time I ever shocked my drummer was when I cranked that SLO through the 4x12. He actually stopped playing and literally said, "Dude, WTF?!?!? I've never heard anything that loud before!!!". We all had a good laugh on that one. That was on 7, goes to 11. That amp just pushes through with very little power amp compression.
Death by Uberschall said:
Current amps:
Bogner Uberschall (Rev2)
Carvin Tube 100
Fender Tweed Deluxe 5E3 (1957)
HiWatt DR504 (Reeves era)
Marshall 9100
Mesa Dual Recto head (#654/chrome chassis/black diamond plate)
Mesa RoadKing head (red crocodile leather)
Mesa Tri-Axis/2:90
Randall RG80 head (early/carpet)
Rivera Knuckle Head Tre'
Soldano SLO head (rare chrome crocodile, w/depth mod located at Line Level location on back of head)
Spiegel 603a




Man...what a tasty selection of amps! WOW!!!
I've been in guitar shops with less gear than that.

You are obviously a single man.  :icon_jokercolor:
chrisg said:
I've been in guitar shops with less gear than that.

You are obviously a single man.  :icon_jokercolor:

At the moment yes, but both ex-wives supported my semi-pro hobby. Well until one of them saw what I paid for the SLO  :laughing7:

I always said, "Hey, I could be out gambling and drinking with nothing to show for it at the end of the day", then they were OK with it because I had something of value that if we needed the money, I could sell them for what I paid as I mostly buy well taken care of used gear.
Death by Uberschall said:
chrisg said:
I've been in guitar shops with less gear than that.

You are obviously a single man.  :icon_jokercolor:

At the moment yes, but both ex-wives supported my semi-pro hobby. Well until one of them saw what I paid for the SLO  :laughing7:

I always said, "Hey, I could be out gambling and drinking with nothing to show for it at the end of the day", then they were OK with it because I had something of value that if we needed the money, I could sell them for what I paid as I mostly buy well taken care of used gear.

Too true
rockskate4x said:
nice marshall. It really sets off the other amps  :laughing7:

Man I tell ya, dime the knobs on a semi-weak battery and toss it under a pillow to hear some sweet "brown" sound tones out of it.  :laughing7:
Death by Uberschall said:
Current amps:
Bogner Uberschall (Rev2)
Carvin Tube 100
Fender Tweed Deluxe 5E3 (1957)
HiWatt DR504 (Reeves era)
Marshall 9100
Mesa Dual Recto head (#654/chrome chassis/black diamond plate)
Mesa RoadKing head (red crocodile leather)
Mesa Tri-Axis/2:90
Randall RG80 head (early/carpet)
Rivera Knuckle Head Tre'
Soldano SLO head (rare chrome crocodile, w/depth mod located at Line Level location on back of head)
Spiegel 603a

There are some misc. pedals and rack gear not pictured (Bogner/Halfer Triple Giant, AnalogMan Mojo modded DOD 250+, Monte Allums SD-1, etc) but you get the idea.
You should have you gear sent to my house for storage while you're on the road..... :laughing7:

Wouldn't want it left unattended.... :icon_biggrin: