
The "Toys In The Attic" Thread...post your "Group Shots"

Heres some of mine:


'91 Ibanez PGM500CA (and my tattoo of same :o) )
'94 Ibanez IC500
'90's Charvel (Floyd removed; 70's Washburn fixed bridge installed, 'Curtain' paint job)
'Bitsa' (custom made Mahogany / nitro body, old kramer neck) - destined to become 2 'half-moths' in the near future
didn't we have a topic for this already???

not complete:



my fender heartfields:
I call this "the orpheo effect"
looking at this old picture, I realized that all the 100% original fenders that I had are now replaced by warmoths :)
incl the US 62 vintage reissue, the MIM and the MIM 60s player

Mark O...you've got quite the herd! A lot of good looking lumber in there.  :occasion14:

Orpheo...got the LP Market cornered...sweet guitars!  :headbang:
Some pics of "The Gunslinger/Assassin"...the "GnR" Sticker is no longer on top of the graphic..."Betty Page" however...is...at least for the moment.



jackthehack said:
Oops! Almost posted the wrong kind of "group shot"...

Ha ha, the mind plays games with statements like that Jack!  :o :-\ :laughing7:

Orpheo said:
My collection!

Is there anyone here who knows a poltician who can lobby the UN for some sort of GAS anti competitive law passed, so others can post after Orpheo with dignity! Oh the humanity........ :icon_thumright:
I need to stop being lazy and photograph some of my harem.  The more vintage stuff is in climate controlled storage, but my den has 15 guitars and basses in it at the moment (and a mandolin, a churrango, two trombones, a piano, a drum set, etc).  I really want to get some shots of the weird Fender 4x12 I have for my Bassman 100.

AprioriMark said:
I need to stop being lazy and photograph some of my harem.  The more vintage stuff is in climate controlled storage, but my den has 15 guitars and basses in it at the moment (and a mandolin, a churrango, two trombones, a piano, a drum set, etc).  I really want to get some shots of the weird Fender 4x12 I have for my Bassman 100.


Seems like you have!
Max said:
Few more pics of that SG-Z, maybe?
I'll take some, but I have to admit the SG-Z is the only guitar that makes me sad to play. The finish was damaged at the pegboard from the hanging stand I used to have, and there's a loose wire somewhere inside that makes it crackle a lot when playing. I really need to open it up and look inside anyway for that loose wire, so I'll take some pics when I do it.
One funny thing I noticed when taking the guitars all out for the picture, was how much heavier the Les Paul was than ANY of the other guitars. That thing weighs a ton, but I never really noticed how much more until today. The SG-Z is by far the lightest guitar of the bunch.