
The pedals you can't live without

Joyo Vintage OD

$40. Love it.

I found it on a local guy's pedalboard and he was just nailing that thick wood Tube Screamer SRV-type sound, was running two of them. I talked to him about it and he found it on some forums, apparently it's just a Chinese clone of the old TS 808-type circuit. Hard to tell for sure as I'm using a different amp than when I had my last TS or variant but it has that feel and I prefer it over my OCD. A direct substitute for the TS no question though. I opened it up and it looks pretty clean, and I can't fault it for anything other than maybe it's goofy look. 

I did a little research on it, and apparently a bunch of self-styled "boutique" builder wannabes were called out for rehousing/repainting these pedals and getting $150+ for them. Which is sad and funny at the same time. I have a Metal Muff clone from Joyo I like though not quite as much.

AC Booster is my secret weapon, its on 24/7  :headbang:

I also really love my Seymour Duncan Deja Vu delay pedal, its got great digital AND analog sounds since it actually has both circuits in it.

It would be silly not to try one out for this price haha

jay4321 said:
Joyo Vintage OD

$40. Love it.

I found it on a local guy's pedalboard and he was just nailing that thick wood Tube Screamer SRV-type sound, was running two of them. I talked to him about it and he found it on some forums, apparently it's just a Chinese clone of the old TS 808-type circuit. Hard to tell for sure as I'm using a different amp than when I had my last TS or variant but it has that feel and I prefer it over my OCD. A direct substitute for the TS no question though. I opened it up and it looks pretty clean, and I can't fault it for anything other than maybe it's goofy look. 

I did a little research on it, and apparently a bunch of self-styled "boutique" builder wannabes were called out for rehousing/repainting these pedals and getting $150+ for them. Which is sad and funny at the same time. I have a Metal Muff clone from Joyo I like though not quite as much.
I'd recommend getting it from a US-based reseller. Slidemeister on ebay is one. A few extra dollars and it's to your door in a few days instead of waiting for some boat from China.

I saw that WTFaccessories site also, but it looks like all of the other fly-by-night Chinese websites and hasn't been registered very long.
Behringer's doing something very similar with their green TO800 tube overdrive - it's the right chip, the right diodes, made in a clean consistent factory. For $29.95... Musician's Fiend and others did everything they could to avoid selling them, because if they tell you "it's the right chip, the right diodes, made clean" right next to their authentic $130 Ibanez reissues and their really, really authentic Ibanez reissues for $180 and their really, really, really authentic Maxon re-ssues for $240 you might think "WTF? Am I being conned?" :laughing3:

EVERYTHING that needs to be known has been known for a long time now, 25, 30 years. It's like making a "great" PAF pickup - there are probably 50 companies doing it. Because it's easy... unlike, say, writing "Sgt. Pepper" or something.

Pedals I can't live without depend on the amp, of course - I need reverb, good overdrive, delay, and I like a stereo chorus. I usually use a SWR SM500 stereo 250w-per side bass amp as kind of a PA for everything. Into Black Widow speakers. But there are no secret special pedals, I do like the Fulltone Fulldrive 2 w/mosfet because it will do both a Tube Screamer and a Rat sound, meaning you don't need separate OD's for humbucking and single-coil sounds.

There's a sort-of famous guy named David Gilmour who some people seem to think sound OK, and he's repeatedly said that he can get whatever he needs in any decent music store in any city anywhere. But quick, find out what he's using.....


ooh mommy mommy buy me buy me buy me... like Gibbons has all that shit plugged in!  :laughing3:
This has been discussed before, but for a touring act with nearly unlimited budget, double or triple everything set up for different guitars makes a lot of sense, and quickly makes for a spectacular looking rig that will have people on internet forums going round and round in endless discussion.
I needed a good'ol laugh to top off my long day.  :icon_thumright:

Thanks Autobat    ...... classic  :toothy12:
I've been using a Classic Crybaby into a multi-effects unit (DOD FX7, then Korg ToneWorks 1500) for a long time, but over the course of the last year have migrated back to standalone units.

Currently, Classic Crybaby => Boss TU2 Tuner => Xotic BB booster (may be trading this in on a BB+) => vintage full size Electro-Harmonix Electric Mistress => Line6 DL4 Delay Modeler. I recently picked up a Seymour Duncan TweakFuzz which may make the cut into the chain.

If I could only take one pedal to a desert island, it would be the Crybaby...