
The MULLY Telecaster is Ready for Action!!


Hero Member
So, over the course of about 4.5 hours Ito san and I got her together and I was able to take her home. This is the first time I've owned a Telecaster. I'll be honest, I wasn't 100% sure if getting a Telecaster was the right decision....until I got this together and actually got to sit down with it. Within the first 24 hours this guitar had shot directly to the top of my guitars. I'm sorry I never had a Tele before this. I LOVE that flat top, no tummy cuts, no forearm cuts, flat and square....LOVE IT. As I told you earlier, my goal was to build something classy that would be a great memory of my 50th birthday. I believe we succeeded in spades. Obviously we all have different tastes and there will be people seeing this that absolutely hate it, that's fine, if we all liked the same thing Warmoth wouldn't have so many different options. But, overall, what do you guys think? Should I grab a few better pics and put her in the GOTM for May?






And, here's a video of my buddy Joe giving it a once over.

Thanks for sticking through this one. Huge thanks to Aaron, Spike, and everyone else at Warmoth that made this happen. Super HUGE thanks to Mrs. MULLY for being the best wife a guy could ever have.
Oh, if you're wondering about the fancy knobs.....they were too huge. The switch rested against it and the knob itself sat on top of the screw that holds the switch. You can see them on the Strat in the pic above....I bought two sets.

And the picks I had made for my 50th Birthday gig. I gave them out to everyone that attended. We had about 65 in the audience that night.
Nice looking guitar!!! Those roasted maple necks really are something else. I'm glad you're enjoying it!!  :rock-on:
I agree. Fantastic instrument, and Joe really made it shine. Congrats all around to everybody involved. Definitely GOM material.

mullyman said:
I'm sorry I never had a Tele before this.

It's surprising how often that gets said. I guess they're just not sexy enough when you're young, but get a few miles on you, and they become very appealing. The fit, feel, playability, sound... just everything. They're great guitars.
Cagey said:
I agree. Fantastic instrument, and Joe really made it shine. Congrats all around to everybody involved. Definitely GOM material.

mullyman said:
I'm sorry I never had a Tele before this.

It's surprising how often that gets said. I guess they're just not sexy enough when you're young, but get a few miles on you, and they become very appealing. The fit, feel, playability, sound... just everything. They're great guitars.

I certainly shared that "not sexy enough" opinion of telecasters in my youth.  However, getting into telecasters about a decade ago was a revelation for me.  That guitar has elevated my playing dramatically.  The telecaster is not only the most expressive guitar that I've ever played, it may be the most expressive instrument that I've ever played.  And adding a bender just gives you MORE!!!  :)
very cool tele , great sound too.

I also shared that "not sexy enough" opinion of telecasters too on early days. Until I buy some tele pickups on curiosity to try ( save mail cost when ordered together)

then to put it on the test I buy the cheapest SQ tele , wow it sounds good even on a cheaper sq tele , then I buy good body and neck from warmoth .

Mully....very nice.  I love the neck with the painted body.  They accent each other well.

Funny about  those knobs...I was looking at the exact same ones.  After reading the dimensions I was a bit aprehensive.

Can you do me a favor and post a photo of them on the tele?
That turned out really well! Colors look great together, and the tone it fantastic. Happy Birthday Brother, and pass my compliments along to Joe, I really enjoyed his playing!  :icon_thumright:
DMRACO said:
Can you do me a favor and post a photo of them on the tele?

These things are an optical illusion when the camera gets them. The photos don't actually show how big they really are, you can't really appreciate their size until you're looking right at them, then you're like "Damn, those are huge!!" Anyway, I did my best to try and give some perspective, but, even these pics don't do them justice. Let me add, I think these knobs are cool as hell, I just wish they were a tad smaller. Sorry for so many pics, I just wanted to try and give you a good idea of what they're like. That last photo is turned on it's side, I don't know why. It wasn't taken that way and the one I uploaded isn't that way. The system here must have done that.





Thanks man.  You are right....cool as hell but way to large.  Maybe they would look better on a guitar without a control plate
DMRACO said:
Thanks man.  You are right....cool as hell but way to large.  Maybe they would look better on a guitar without a control plate
Sounds like an excuse for another build!  :evil4: