
Frets on a violin is a 4-string mandolin.

I like that jack though.
I've seen some that were more closely shaped to a violin, and I'm not really a violin person, but I do appreciate classical instruments.

Absolutely, everyone has their own preferences when it comes to instrument shapes. It's great that you appreciate the classical vibe even if violin shapes aren't your thing. There's something timeless about classical instruments.
And of course there is always this one...But is more a Les Paul shape

4+2 headstock! Don't let music man see that. Lol.
That is freakin' cool!!!

I actually had an idea to do something like this once (from the jazz box perspective, though). I partially chickened out and built this:
That looks like something I would build, aside from it being backwards.

Calm down, I'm backwards myself! Lol

I'm a lefty that plays righty. I struggle every day to fight leading with my fretting (left) hand. It's good in that it's dexterous so fingerings are easier, but when it comes down to it, under pressure, you tend to revert back to what you know best. That's left hand dominance.

Hey, at least I can get alot more cool guitars in more interesting colors!!
I have an ESP EII-ST2 that is a fantastic guitar in all respects. One of my personal favorites, in fact.

Except for this nonsense:

As the yutes might say, that is totally cursed. The recessed side-mount Strat jack is the most bizarre thing I've ever seen.

Except I'd probably love to use it. I do not like side mount jacks. I'm tall, I like my guitar higher. If I'm playing seated, especially without a strap, I rest the widest part of the guitar on top of my right leg. And the average side-mount jack is right there, so I end up with the plug poking me in the leg.

This crazy thing has the plug on the side, but pointing down, so it might actually be the most practical side jack for my posture.