
teisco guitar question


Junior Member
my friend got an old guitar from his uncle awhile ago guitar. after some researching and asking around, we got the brand and model: teisco K2-L, he was told he could get, at most $100 from it, could he get more from it or should he just sell parts?
Depends. There are collectors of almost anything; one of those might pay that much. Even old Airline guitars have their fans. But, they're basically junk instruments. Back in the day, it was companies like that who made Fender and Gibson look like the only game in town if you wanted a nice instrument. One thing is certain: parting it out won't bring in more money. The only way it has any value at all is whole.
You know what, that's a collectible guitar.  There are people out there who want them.  However, you still won't get more than $200 for it.
I say that once you figure out how to keep it in tune, rip out its guts, chop up the pickguard and put in a single high output bucker of your choice in there and  :rock-on:
Please do not destroy that fine piece of off the wall guitar history. Plug it into a nasty amp, tune it to an open tuning and play some wild slide guitar on it.   At least hang it on the wall and be amazed by to oddity of it.  :o  Don’t part with it!
Tonar8353 said:
Please do not destroy that fine piece of off the wall guitar history. Plug it into a nasty amp, tune it to an open tuning and play some wild slide guitar on it.   At least hang it on the wall and be amazed by to oddity of it.  :o  Don’t part with it!

+1  That guitar is awesome.
I agree. Don't hack up that funky old gitter. Get it set up and play the hell out of it. If it's not at all playable, then keep it as a conversation piece or sell it to someone who'll appreciate it.

Some of those oddball Japanese guitars can sound pretty rad...if they're playable. I've got an old Telestar from 1969 and it's wicked. Never got around to getting it set up by a pro, and someone unfortunately messed up the sparkle finish, but it's still a really cool guitar.
well its not my guitar so i don't get the choice to keep it, and I'm kinda broke so i cant buy it from him.  :-\ and it doesn't stay in tune at all due do its crappy tremolo, so he doesn't want to keep it
ledzepplin6914 said:
well its not my guitar so i don't get the choice to keep it, and I'm kinda broke so i cant buy it from him.  :-\ and it doesn't stay in tune at all due do its crappy tremolo, so he doesn't want to keep it

The 'bay it is!  :icon_biggrin:
well i fixed it up for him and ended up falling in love with this thing. so im gonna buy it from him but it doesnt stay in tune very well and its probably due to the trem, which i dont use anyways so any suggestions on  what to do?
I have an old Teisco too, They're unique. Quality is spotty, but they're fun and have a different sound.

The sad truth on value is most are near worthless. Those that aren't worthless become worthless if the badge on the headstock is gone.

The badge can sell for more than the guitar it came from, without the badge.
well what u said about the badge might explain that large paint chip on the headstock, but anyone have idea what t do bout the bad trem?
Worth more than $100 thats for sure... way more.

There is a growing Tiesco collectors market.  Keep it pristine and follow the market on those great auction sites (look for completed sales).

That may be worth.... "two in the bush"  <----- REALLY?
ledzepplin6914 said:
kboman said:
Don't use it, and maybe try to lock it down somehow?
is that what u meant?

Pretty much! Glad it worked :icon_thumright:

[quote author==CB=]
That may be worth.... "two in the bush"

That sounds really unhygienic :icon_scratch:
Yours is a Tiesco ET Del Rey from 1960s.  It will be worth a bit these days depending on condition.

Try looking at http://www.myrareguitars.com/1960guitars.html
when i offered 100 to him he said it was more than he expected so im leavin it at that, but i dont think im partin with t very soon :toothy10: