
Taste Test

Pick your favorite

  • Coke

    Votes: 23 35.4%
  • Dr Pepper

    Votes: 9 13.8%
  • Ginger Ale

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • Pepsi

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • Root Beer

    Votes: 9 13.8%
  • Sprite

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 23.1%

  • Total voters
Coffee is pretty lightweight compared to many soft drinks. There's a chart here you can check.

It's not a problem for most people - 2 or 3 cans aren't anything to worry about - but my ex was nuts about the stuff. It was not unusual for her to go through a 2 litre bottle or more in a day. Withdrawal from that kind of consumption comes on fast, and is painful in the head.
Cagey said:
Caffeine addiction is surprisingly hard on you.

Yeah - that ... and the sugar. I know.

Actually I reduced my consumption of Coke from 2 to 2,5 litres a day to less than 1 liters a week now. Mostly drinking water instead. My stomach treats me better that way. Never har a headache problem though - luckily.

But I still get the urge ... the devil comes in many disguises.

Beers - Here in Denmark our National Board of health has downsized the recommended maximum intake from 21 to 14 a week (for males). I hardly reach that number in a year.
I will have the occasional Dr Pepper a few times per year, but beyond that I don't touch soft drinks. Waaay too much sugar which just kills off any taste and I don't like the feeling of my teeth corroding :tard:

But I'm not caffeine deprived, I have religiously started my day with a cup of tea for some 20 years now and I'll have a cup of coffee after lunch at work. And I make a killer espresso on beans I roast and ground myself on weekends.
line6man said:
elfro89 said:
Irn Bru, is the only soft drink, it puts hair on your ass!  :occasion14:

No good! I usually have to shave that hair off to prevent, well, getting shitee stuck in it. :tard:


Ok, Max freaked out and vomited all over his keyboard.

Hopefully the rest of you like a good joke. :blob7:
If you guys don't like me when I'm giddy and cheerful I can go right back to angry complaining like I always do. :tard:
Pepsi, all the way :rock-on:
But I don't stick to a certain kind of soft drinks :icon_tongue:, Sprite, coke, Ginger beer, Fanta... The good stuff, you know. BUT I almost did the same as line6man said Max did all over his keyboard when I tried Dr.Pepper :tard:
Vimto all ze wayyyyy
and My friends felt so hardcore ordering mountain dew here in england as its banned or something..
They seriously need a life
But they were hyper as fudge,  :help:
Last night for gig I had one of those energy drinks.  Big Mistake!  I had big trouble with breath control when I was trying to sing.
If Dr Pepper wasn't on there I would've gone with Pepsi or the non-existant Mountain Dew.

not to mention Stewarts key-lime pop
I'll vote for Coke only because when I drank soda, that was my favorite.  But I havent touched a soft drink in ages...and I feel much better for it.
Big V - AKA "The other guy from Norway" said:
line6man said:
elfro89 said:
Irn Bru, is the only soft drink, it puts hair on your ass!  :occasion14:

No good! I usually have to shave that hair off to prevent, well, getting shiteee stuck in it. :tard:


Ok, Max freaked out and vomited all over his keyboard.

Hopefully the rest of you like a good joke. :blob7:
If you guys don't like me when I'm giddy and cheerful I can go right back to angry complaining like I always do. :tard:
Pepsi, all the way :rock-on:
But I don't stick to a certain kind of soft drinks :icon_tongue:, Sprite, coke, Ginger beer, Fanta... The good stuff, you know. BUT I almost did the same as line6man said Max did all over his keyboard when I tried Dr.Pepper :tard:

Dr Pepper is such a horrible drink, its like drinking crushed up rocks. Irn bru is such an awesome drink. Its the only reason im glad i live in scotland, its in every shop and CHEAP! for like a bottle of 500ml coke you pay about £1-1.25 for irn bru you pay £0.69-89 and it takes WAAAAAAY better. such a manly drink!
lafromla1 said:
I'll vote for Coke only because when I drank soda, that was my favorite.  But I havent touched a soft drink in ages...and I feel much better for it.

I really wish I could quit drinking soda, because it's so unhealthy, but I just can't. :sad:
I drink Seltzer water in the late afternoon and nightime, but I have to have soda in the morning and early afternoon. Seltzer water is not appealing too early in the day, but it's so refreshing at night!

I pretty much only drink soda and seltzer water. I occasionally have iced coffee though.
I don't like hot beverages, and I don't like drinking anything that isn't carbonated. Some people say that carbonation gives them gas, but I've never had that problem. If I'm drinking any kind of liquid, 98% of the time it's carbonated.

I just stocked up on sodas the other day.
I have about twelve 12 packs of soda sitting in the garage next to the refrigerator, a half-empty 24 pack inside the refrigerator, and a half-empty 24 pack in the downstairs wine cooler.
I figure I won't need to buy any more for a few months. :blob7:
Sounds like my garage, but it's beer instead of soda and cases instead of 12-packs. We don't drink soda around here; it's not good for you <grin>
Cagey said:
Sounds like my garage, but it's beer instead of soda and cases instead of 12-packs. We don't drink soda around here; it's not good for you <grin>

Meh, I'm not a fan of beer. :dontknow:
I've got lots of wine around, and I'm not real big on that either.

line6man said:
I really wish I could quit drinking soda, because it's so unhealthy, but I just can't. :sad:

I quit drinking soda during the day and now try to drink 2-3 liters (quarts) of Water every day... I actually got bored with water and cheat with the little crystal light packages :)

Btw, I hope splenda doesn't have any long term side effects... I haven't had a regular soda in years!!!! I guess I don't have to mention again that I am trying to avoid the evil HFCS!!! :evil4:
Marko said:
line6man said:
I really wish I could quit drinking soda, because it's so unhealthy, but I just can't. :sad:

I quit drinking soda during the day and now try to drink 2-3 liters (quarts) of Water every day... I actually got bored with water and cheat with the little crystal light packages :)

Btw, I hope splenda doesn't have any long term side effects... I haven't had a regular soda in years!!!! I guess I don't have to mention again that I am trying to avoid the evil HFCS!!! :evil4:

Nasty! I HATE Splenda! HATE IT! HATE IT!

Some people just can't stand plain water, but will drink it if there is something mixed in for flavor.
I've seen people pour a splash of fruit juice into their water, and I think that's even worse than plain.
I'll take ice water with lemon or lime juice, if I run out of Seltzer water.
I'm with the late, great W.C.Fields - "I don't drink water. Fish Phuck in it." <grin>
In most european countries, tap water is very drinkable... this is not the case in Texas. I have a filter on my fridge tap, but it still tastes like chemicals (and fish shit!)
I never bought into the bottled water scam.
Cagey said:
I'm with the late, great W.C.Fields - "I don't drink water. Fish Phuck in it." <grin>

That's why I've got an immune system. And a very nice reverse osmosis filtering system that no funk can survive past.

There is a crazy water filtering system under the sink in the upstairs and downstairs kitchens at my house.

I haven't drank the filtered water yet, but there are like 3 filter canisters, a giant metal tank, and some kind of electric system that I am assuming is a UV light source like in an aquarium.
All I know is it must be EXPENSIVE to replace those filters.

Holy dirt traps, Batman! Either the previous owner was beyond paranoid, or you've got a serious water problem nobody told you about when you bought that place. I'll bet you could filter dye out of water with that setup.
People like to blame governments, municipalities, corporations, etc. for all manner of sins, but the bottom line is it's always one or more of those stinkin' humans giving in to his baser instincts that gets us in trouble. Did you ever see that movie "Erin Brockovich"? A pretty woman with a freakishly huge mouth, played by Julia Roberts (oddly enough), works as a legal aide ripping into a megacorp for poisoning the local water supply. Nice piece of work, highly plausible, well worth renting if you haven't seen it, but leaves you wanting to put in filtration systems like what you now have.
i dont drink much "coke" (if your from the Deep South, its all "coke") but I like a Jones Soda here and there, but mostly i drink beer...