Super V Bladerunner trem

thumb55 said:
I love my Wilkinson VS-100 but I was lloking at tht bladerunner as something a little closer to vintage.

You don't want to get closer to vintage. The "vintage" (read: obsolete) designs suck. That's why they've been improved upon. You wanna go back to outhouses, or are indoor plumbing and flush toilets better? You want an ice box, or are electric refrigerators/freezers better? 69 bajillion other examples exist. Old is very rarely good. Ask any old person. Only young guitar players who don't know any better want old technology guitars. Bloody things are a pain in the shorts and don't work worth a tinker's damn.
Old is very rarely good. Ask any old person. Only young guitar players who don't know any better want old technology guitars. Bloody things are a pain in the shorts and don't work worth a tinker's damn.

I seem to be the only person who's even noticed that people like George Gruhn, Dave Rogers and John Brown write monthly columns for Guitar Player, Vintage Guitar, Premier Guitar... Their profession? SELLING OLD GUITARS. Gee, I wonder if they care if the prices... I wonder if they use their column space to pim... nah, that's too paranoid.  :icon_tongue:

There are quite a large number of people who's livelihood is tied directly or indirectly to KEEPING THE PRICES UP ON OLD GUITARS. The painfully obvious design problems with so many older guitars get steamrolled in the wave of adulation reserved for anything old. It's not just the six-point whammy that come back to haunt us, it's the Mustang reissues where NOTHING is changed or fixed, and Gibson re-introducing the dumbass "vibrola" on the reissue SG's... it's,,, awwww there I go again.One things is damn sure true, and that is that nobody like DeTemple would be able to sell NEW copy guitars for $6000 DOLLARS if old trashed out '50's Fenders weren't selling for upwards of $25,000. I think it certain that the market which says certain old stompboxes are "worth" thousands of dollars is driven by that fact that an old Les Paul is "worth" $300,000.

Even the cords and straps get into it,
"You wouldn't put a cheap cord into your precious guitar, so buy it a Zoomboobertron cable - for only $250!"

boards and wires, kiddo, just boards and wires.
stubhead said:

Yeah, but it comes with a custom owner's manual (individually made for each guitar)!

stubhead said:

And this one has a fossilized Mastodon nut, string tree and switch tip. A prehistoric animal died to make this instrument... isn't that worth something?
Disco Scottie said:
And this one has a fossilized Mastodon nut, string tree and switch tip. A prehistoric animal died to make this instrument... isn't that worth something?

Be worth more if the cases were lined with fossilized hairballs yakked up by a prehistoric sabre-toothed tiger cat, rather than your typical Muppet pelts <grin>
Cagey said:
Disco Scottie said:
And this one has a fossilized Mastodon nut, string tree and switch tip. A prehistoric animal died to make this instrument... isn't that worth something?

Be worth more if the cases were lined with fossilized hairballs yakked up by a prehistoric sabre-toothed tiger cat, rather than your typical Muppet pelts <grin>

I'm sure you can add that as an option. You know they say fossilized hairball cases help retain more of your guitar's mojo than regular ones. Eric Johnson always uses them. He said he can hear a difference, so that's that. I'm sold.
ya know you are probably right Cagey, that's how I ended up playing a souped up strat with a LSR nut, locking tuners and a Wilkinson.  I'd probably sink a bunch of money into a guitar just to find out that it will not stay in tune again.  If I fixed it why break it  :laughing7:
Yes i have.
Since today i have my bladerunner placed in my strat. It works really well. I can hang on my tremolo and it wont go out of tune. It takes a few times to tune and to set it right but once after you've done that it works really good.
I definately recommend this for every strat player. It also adds a bit of sustain but you probably wont have to tune your guitar anymore.
If you want to know more contact me.

Eric Johnson was using a super v during the Experience Hendrix tour last year...gotta be pretty top notch gear.