I found it interesting... well, no, VALIDATING... well, no -
:blob7: :toothy10: :hello2: REDEEMING! :hello2: :toothy10: :blob7:
that ihnpts actually KNEW what bass strings he was building his travel bass for - before he started! True Genius! Cause I did the same thing, last two times out. And it's fine that his choice was the LaBella nylon tapewounds, and mine was ye ol' stuck-on-CHROMES-agin... of course you have to have a bass to do the research ON. Compounding things is the fact that they do last so long, it's not like you're gonna blow through a dozen different brands, gauges and types in a year, as is easily the (affordable?) case with guitar strings. So it can be kind of arbitrary.
As I said earlier, well up into the 70's the LaBella tapewounds (I forgot 'em, actually :tard

, Fender flat wounds and Rotosound roundwounds were just
it - Ernie Ball, D'Addario etc. all had some strings out there, but they just weren't very good. (Black Diamond? HAHAHAHA sucker!) Shoot, more like the 80's somewhere - post-Miles Davis @ the Austin City Coliseum 1983, I felt "stuck" with, and adventured out from, the Fender 9050 flats. I distinctly remember buying some Ernie Ball roundwounds that started unraveling at the bridge, nut and everywhere in between in a week. I think the reason I remember it SO WELL was that I replaced them with the "new" "hot" Dean Markleys - WHICH WERE THE EXACT SAME DAMN STRINGS, AND DID THE EXACT SAME DAMN THING. Helloo, Fender! fer another decade or so.
After you find
some tone you can work with, boring ol' consistency moves way high up the list, higher the more times one of your $25 strings poops the chute and you
have to replace the whole set (they WERE that much then too). A quite common problem is "dead" notes. too - an "F" will be fine, a "G" too, and the F# is gone, out to lunch with the guv'nor. The bass makers blame the string, the string makers blame the bass, the bass players blame... a life-threatening lack of beer... (it's the string). Sometimes you can feel or see a tiny kink from damage in the package - after your $25 is dining out too. Other times it just sucks.