
Stormy & Spooky - Classics IV / ARS


Junior Member
Well, as promised, my Atlanta Rhythm Section journey keeps going ...

... even if not in the original way :icon_biggrin:

The reason for that was my research for the Spooky original, where I accidentally stumbled across the Classics IV and some of their nice and heartbreaking tunes from end of the late 60s.

I know: their melancholic soft rock music is not everyone's cup of tea. But the "Stormy" song and Dennis Yost voice has catched me somehow.

Making the long story short:

This nice soft melancholic "Stormy" tune and the three human links (named James R. Cobb, Buddy Buie, Dean Daughtry) between Classics IV and the Atlanta Rhythm Section drove me to that "Two in One - Cover".

It is not a note-by-note cover as you can imagine and varies in tempo and instrumentation from the original.
I have tried to cover some 60s/70s patina with some Rickenbacker sounds and Sitar sounds from my James Tyler Variax Modeling guitar.

The Spooky-part is more or less the outro solo part (without the E-piano solo) from the ARS-version.

I am not only highlighting Barry Baileys great guitar playing. I also like to put the spot on the phenomenal Rhythm guitar player James R. Cobb. He played the tasty second "Wes Montgomery stylish" guitar solo part which nicely complemented the rock style solo of Barry Bailey.

Together with the producer and songwriter Buddy Buie, he wrote a lot of US Billboard Hot 100 hits for the Classics IV and ARS. Both unfortunately already have passed away.

I hope you like my unconventional cover approach.

So, here is the audio-Link:  https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14067252

and Video-Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzoJ8wHEXBI&feature=emb_logo

Any feedback is welcome - wolbai  :icon_thumright:
Sounds really good. I like this version. Different yet familiar. Nice, very nice.
@Rgand: Nice feedback. It keeps me motivated  :icon_thumright:

By the way: I like that Isaac Asimov quote in your signature  :icon_biggrin:
babawowo said:
@Rgand: Nice feedback. It keeps me motivated  :icon_thumright:

By the way: I like that Isaac Asimov quote in your signature  :icon_biggrin:
Keep at those covers. They're good.

Thanks. Asimov had a sense of humor.