
stoopid wiring question

rightintheface, I agree with Blue313, the lead and tin alloy 60/40 is by far the best to use especially when soldering a ground on the back of a  pot.  (IMO)  I use a Weller D550 (260/200 watts) gun only for that purpose.  I just touch it for a second or less, and I get a good bond without heating up the pot very much, usually I can hold onto the pot without burning my fingers...  I also have the same soldering station as Blue313, its perfect for all my other soldering needs and will work well for pot/ground soldering if I use the 60/40 solder.  Lead free solder seems to need a lot more heat to get it stick to a pot, you will need to hold the iron on the pot until it gets really F***** :evil4:N HOT, then the lead free stuff flows right on... I've really put a lot of heat on older, (1990's era), Alfa and CTS pots without any problems, but I screwed up a new Bourns.  It still works; it just doesn't have that nice smooth feel like before. 

But there is a perfect solution;  CONDUCTIVE EPOXY!  :cool01:  its great stuff...