Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:Fender used to do it, but quit doing it. There has to be a reason. It's no secret Leo was an engineer, so the fact that his engineering side even let him do it in the first place says something about it's functionality. But why no longer?
But as with many Fender choices, he was a cheapo in the beginning. I almost have to wonder if cutting a pickguard was too labor intensive in his eyes. Who knows?
From an engineering perspective, I have been wondering whether the sneaky way of installing the oversized pickups underneath might have prompted the need for a thicker and more sturdier pickguard. Like .120" thick instead of say .090"? Also if that did occur, the other thing they could do is to shave a lamination or two off the pickguard right where the polepieces would hide so that the magnets have least material over them. Take a lamination or two off (say from .120" down to .060") and make the magnets more responsive. But still have the full pickguard thickness around the pickup mounting screws for strength. That would require some nifty planing in the factory, and that would increase labour costs.