
Split neck pocket


Junior Member
Well, the fun continues. Was about to apply fifth coat of tung oil when noticed split in neck pocket
Do I ignore or try to inject some glue or am I f***ed 
Is that a Warmoth?

That's not a normal wood split, that's a glue joint failing. Did you use any chemicals or anything that might interact with glue?

EDIT: I see it is a Warmoth. I'd recommend you give Rob an email.

We've had something like this pop up before, then the problem went away by itself. Do you know if that split was there before?
The only product Ive used is tung oil. First coat cut with citrus solvent  . No grain filler, no cleaning products, not even any sanding. By your response , sounds like this is not good. Have emailed rob. thanks
leejord said:
I like fixable. How?
To stop the split from extending, you'd want to drill a hole thru the pocket at the end of the split. And glue a hardwood dowel piece in place, but before doing this you want to glue the split and clamp it together. :icon_thumright:

But if you bought it from Warmoth, I'd let them take a look at it first...
Its a warmoth. hopefully they will help. I like the rubber band idea, it sounds easier than dowel.
I think if you used tung oil waranty is void, squirt some thin superglue in the crack and keep going.  It looks good
Alfang said:
I think if you used tung oil waranty is void, squirt some thin superglue in the crack and keep going.  It looks good

To me, that looks like the wood was run though a jointer to make it flat, laminated together, and... the wood decided to settle in, shift a little, and no amount of glue will hold it when that happens.  The finish should not "void" the warranty.  Assuming not being stored in abnormal conditions - very wet or very dry, or very hot or very cold - and assuming its less than a year old, you should be covered by Warmoth warranty.  I can't speak for them though, and its their call all the way.  Just my 2c worth. 

=CB= said:
Alfang said:
I think if you used tung oil waranty is void, squirt some thin superglue in the crack and keep going.  It looks good

To me, that looks like the wood was run though a jointer to make it flat, laminated together, and... the wood decided to settle in, shift a little, and no amount of glue will hold it when that happens.  The finish should not "void" the warranty.  Assuming not being stored in abnormal conditions - very wet or very dry, or very hot or very cold - and assuming its less than a year old, you should be covered by Warmoth warranty.  I can't speak for them though, and its their call all the way.  Just my 2c worth. 
Glue may not, but this will.... :laughing7:
Warmoth mentions moisture from wet sanding can cause splits at glue joints. If you haven't done that (or similarly subjected it to moisture), I think I'd put the boards on hold until I talked to the W. If W says, no that's not a warranty issue then resume. I specifically did not see anything about oil finishes on bodies, and tung oil does count as a 'hard finish' on necks - so I don't think it's likely to be the source of the problem.
Will keep you all posted about warmoth reply.no answer yet but they're probably closed for new year.thanks
Oh yah... if you asked via email, expect a few days delay.  They normally take a few days to get through the reams of email.

On the other hand's foot... you can just call 'em up, alert them, have them take a quick look at the pictures you've already posted.  They'll probably ask that you send it back for evaluation before they make a final decision.
just throwing it out there, "neck pocket", not "neck". I don't believe bodies have any finishing requirements. Maybe greg could enlighten us?