
Spalt LP Carved Top

It's gone; thankfully now y'all can stop with all the body parts selling blather, didn't any of you learn to rob liquor stores?

Wonder what they custom ordered for the neck; don't see any missing LP necks...
yuck!!! i don't know what it is but i hat clear finish. whats the point of it if theres no color.  go fer a trans blue on this one,  or a dark honey, almost amber.
I already have one, or else I might  buy it; but WHY the std hardtail route??? Just leave it alone, somebody might want to use a 510 wraparound or a Tune-O-Matic????
  Agreed!!!              Oh, and I love Hardtail strats.  I know what your getting at though, they could have left it "blank" and let buyer decide.
it would've made a nice superstrat with a floyd... i agree with jackthehack. only a clearcoat w/ balck hardware looks good on spalted maple
True that! it has to be a clear coat. Show off that lovely piece of timber. Let it glow.