
some recordings - wanting feedback


Senior Member
hey guys. I'm just wanting to get some feedback on it. I used amplitube 3 and recorded something directly. the first one was just my bass straight into the Fast Track Ultra. the last 3 has a Way Huge Swollen Pickle in the signal path.


there ya go. thanks for your time. :)
They sound interesting, the first ones good, cant tell much on the last three, maybe bit much fuzz, not making a bad critism cause im the last person to have the right to make them  :laughing7:
with the first were you strumming it almost?  got a nice sound out of doing that, i couldnt tell but sounded alot more punchy like it was done with a pick than fingerplay. if you were then cool, just wondered
for the first one, I was strumming it. no picks, though. the technique is something to similar to what Stanley Clarke or Les Claypool does. it's a strumming pattern like I'm holding a pick, but the tops of my fingernails strike the strings and a piece of plastic is no where to be found. and there was supposed to be a royal crap ton of fuzz. lol. I was trying to get a "wall o-sound" synth like super fuzz sound out of it. also, around 4:23, I tap the harmonics of whatever note my left hand is holding.
Ah awesome, didnt realise could get that sound from using top of fingernails... since mine dont seem to grow... haha and ah right cool well good job, and amazing job on the other three then haha.
But yeah id say good start.
Wish i could put something together like that and record myself haha, hopefully by end of summer ill be there, lack of playing for a year messed my playing up a tad
not the tip, the top. it's like I'm using the opposite of the pad on my fingernail. like, starting at the pad and going 180* to the top of my fingernail. I guess the middle of it, rather than the tip. I cut the crap out of my fingernails cause I hate it when they get too long. I'm a tech apprentice at the local Toyota dealership, so if they get too long, dirt gets underneath and kind of trapped.
heh, I just found out from this thread that there's a 3.  I've been using AmpliTube 2 for quite a while now and love it.
if you want feedback, turn up you amp and get the guitar close to it....

seriously though, I liked the sound on the first track. couldn't listen to the fuzz tone for very long...