
Some instru-metal stuff I recorded

The Norwegian Guy

Hero Member
Well, only got the first part recorded, and I'm working on the rest.
The song is actually an old idea of two friends of mine back from highschool. I took the basics out of their idea, and add some of my own features to it. :guitaristgif:

Only thing I did was to select to different sounds and pan them to different sides :)
I'm going t make a backingtrack of this one. It was actually very fun to improvise over.
I have to work with the dynamics and stuff. I created a very cool polyrytmical part a couple of minutes ago. Can't wait to record it to hear what it sounds like.

well I was listening to it on my lap top and was amazed at the clarity of the sound separation, I was listening to the different cymbals on the different channels and thought it was a better setero effect than a lot of professional recordings, Had my ears perked.
Nice, rocky tunes! :icon_thumright:

You should play a little heavier, though :laughing7:, but that's just my metalhead-opinion :icon_jokercolor:

I would like to jam with another Warmothian IRL when I get my Warmoth, and you're definitively within both the same genres and country borders :icon_tongue:. (Oh, poor you, that would mean that you woul have to meet me :laughing11:)
At least, I like your musical style :rock-on:
I tuned my Gibson Les Paul down to D and cranked up my diezel... I'll give you heavy!  :guitarplayer2:
I skipped the polyrytmical part, because it didn't sound good.
The solos on this one could have been better - but it'll do for now. I have to think out something cool!


There you go!
The Norwegian Guy said:
I tuned my Gibson Les Paul down to D and cranked up my diezel... I'll give you heavy!  :guitarplayer2:
I skipped the polyrytmical part, because it didn't sound good.
The solos on this one could have been better - but it'll do for now. I have to think out something cool!


There you go!
Better :toothy11:
Still rocky rythms, though :toothy10:
I'm just saying that you should tune down to DROP A :laughing3:
If you manage to get good tones out of your Gibby, I'll be seriously amazed, and would consider actually buying one :tard:
Drop A is impossible with the string guage I'm using. And I do get good tones out of my gibby. If you don't like it - I don't mind. What's important to me is that I can play with confidence with whatever sounds I get out of my gear. I can send you the drumtrack to the song, and u could record it yourself ;) I aint talkin' shit about your gear, but I challenge you to get better tones out of yours than I get out of mine. :icon_thumright:
The Norwegian Guy said:
Drop A is impossible with the string guage I'm using. And I do get good tones out of my gibby. If you don't like it - I don't mind. What's important to me is that I can play with confidence with whatever sounds I get out of my gear. I can send you the drumtrack to the song, and u could record it yourself ;) I aint talkin' shite about your gear, but I challenge you to get better tones out of yours than I get out of mine. :icon_thumright:
Well, I'm not a gibby-hater, It's just that Drop A is MUD on any instrument (maybe excluding baritones and 7+-strings). I have actually really wanted a Gibby, and I do think I intend to buy one anyways.
oh, and if you don't wanna talk shite about my equipment, I will :icon_thumright:
It's quite low-end... a 12 years old Peavey Backstage 110, and an Ibanez ART 300(the one with scalloped top). And I don't have any recording-gear, so it's not necessary to send me the drumtrack :doh:
Hehe, just kidding with you, kid  :icon_jokercolor:
You can actually tune down t A and have a good sounding instrument. U just have to have thick enough strings and turn the gain on your amp down.
Just listen to In Flames... They sound pretty F'in' good!
The Norwegian Guy said:
Hehe, just kidding with you, kid  :icon_jokercolor:
You can actually tune down t A and have a good sounding instrument. U just have to have thick enough strings and turn the gain on your amp down.
Just listen to In Flames... They sound pretty F'in' good!
I know, I have actually tuned my guitar down to A(not drop). I HAVE JAZZ-strings, for freaks sake! :tard:
Sounds pretty good even with gain on 10 and bass and treble on 15+(IDK what that means :laughing8:)
Listen to "Spasm" by Meshugah, THAT's heavy :party07: (And it's such a fetching song :toothy10:)