
Show us your pics!


I'd trust him.
I got his autograph back in... late 90's or early 00's at DragonCon.  Him and the actor that played Gowron.  Both real likable chaps, very glad to hob-nob with the fans (and consume their liquor....)
What, pasting pics together of yourself with girl photos cut out of magazines???  :laughing7:

j/k  :icon_jokercolor:

Happy for you both.  :icon_thumright:
hahaha! no, not actually :P
but having a girlfriend eats up my time!

here are some old pics of my previous band "Cliffs Of Dover"...
this was NOT a serious gig!

next one was taken when we did "Hair" the musical at school. I studied music, and a couple of months after graduation, we had 5 nights where we did this musical! Every night was in front of 1500 people, so I can say that I was nervous for sure!

...no that guy is not jesus, even though he's pretty damn close!
The Norwegian Guy said:
...no that guy is not jesus, even though he's pretty damn close!

Alright, but he might have Holy habilities on talk to have a girlfriend pretty that way (the left one)! Literally JESUS CHRIST! :laughing7: