
Shaping headstock


Hero Member
A headstock like a suhr, T.Anderson, Pensa ec.. (all simply shaping)
I think that warmoth could offer this service free or a more reasonable price (I asked last year: 70$).

It's not a problem do yourself (after) for necks that don't need finish - I did it with a pauferro neck - ;
it's a problem with gloss or satin finish
Warmoth may not be able to just copy some other company's headstock design, and may have to pay a fee if they do?

I think that Warmoth should offer all things for free, but .. :tard:...., if they did that, they wouldn't last long......at some stage they have to start charging for services that cost them time. :dontknow:

I guess you can always contact Suhr, Anderson etc. and ask them for a replacement neck. I can assure you that would be much more expensive than $70.
I would bet... :sign13:
I did not write "gratis" but $ 70 to cut a piece of headstock to me it's too expensive. To ME... to you maybe not.
Glad you !
I think that if the shape is straight forward and fits within an existing strat headstock, it is only $45..
I don't think they can copy any existing/copyrighted designs other than Fender, so it will have to be your own design.
Marko and the Floppy Foot Penises said:
I think that if the shape is straight forward and fits within an existing strat headstock, it is only $45..
I don't think they can copy any existing/copyrighted designs other than Fender, so it will have to be your own design.

There's an idea Bruno.. :sign13:......take a Suhr headstock, trace it down, then add a bump or two to the design and hand the trace over to Warmoth. If that only costs $45 it might be a cheaper way to do things.
Mark oh said:
I think that if the shape is straight forward and fits within an existing strat headstock, it is only 30.86€ ($45..)
I don't think they can copy any existing/copyrighted designs other than Fender, so it will have to be your own design.

I don't think...
If it's not possible, it's not possible at any price.
Or not?
OzziePete said:
Marko and the Floppy Foot Penises said:
I think that if the shape is straight forward and fits within an existing strat headstock, it is only 30.86€ ($45..)
I don't think they can copy any existing/copyrighted designs other than Fender, so it will have to be your own design.

There's an idea Bruno.. :sign13:......take a Suhr headstock, trace it down, then add a bump or two to the design and hand the trace over to Warmoth. If that only costs 30.86€ ($45) it might be a cheaper way to do things.

you don't want understand me ( ops correct me: I can't explain it well)
I have a neck in pauferro (by Warmoth) with shaped suhr headstock (made ​​by me).
Simple operation: 2' with a hacksaw (but that you know, pauferro= not finish !)
However, mine is just a simple idea.
I don't think I should apologize for having made​​. Or do I?


I know what you mean about getting a headstock shaped for a maple/maple etc neck which needs a finish.
But all of the license agreements and such cause warmoth to not be able to offer extra headstocks at a lower price,
and even then they cant do the exact versions they dont have licenses for.
No one was saying you have to apologise for suggesting the ideas, they were merely saying why warmoth cannot offer
more of a shaping service either cheaper or at all.
You do have the option to take a paddlehead maple neck - unfinished - from the Warmoth factory and have someone locally based to you, finish the neck to the same standard that Warmoth does their necks,  after you have shaped the headstock.....So long as you can prove it was done in a timely manner and to a professional standard I think you will find  Warmoth will cover the warranty. Carefully read the bottom paragraph on this linked Warmoth webpage.
