
September Guitar/Bass of the Month: OWNER FINISHED-- WINNER!!!

who should win?

  • Total voters
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
You finished that?  Wow!

it was my first attempt too...
I made it for a good friend who went through some tough times.. I asked him what his dream guitar would be, then built it and gave it to him..  thank God it was love at first sight.. he still gigs it every week with no back up!! oh and yes, he even does divebombs on it!

I used Woodburst (I think that company disappeared :( ) for the stain for the body. unfortunately it turned kind of pink, but after about 500 coats, it finally turned out the way I wanted to :)
oh the other thing about it, it turned out so glossy, I was never able to get a true oil that glossy ever again..



I voted for TT - love Korina.  I think this month will boil down to a battle between TT, Marko, AdreG, Jack and... oh nevermind, they are all really cool!
Marko, to get the tru-oil to gloss up the french polish method works great. I put up a small rundown on how to do it somewhere. I don't remember if it was this forum or the old one. It's a simple process, I know I was surprised just how well it shined up and didn't even require sanding in between. It sure does feel nice and organic once finished. I'm tempted to do a neck but since having a nitro neck that's all I want.. eh
CrackedPepper said:
You don't happen to have a link on that do you?

Here it is. I would be happy to  elaborate if you have any questions.


about 9 post down...
i'm having a tough time with this vote, lots of nice geetars.  I can't decide right now.

Let me sleep on it.
jalane said:
i'm having a tough time with this vote, lots of nice geetars.  I can't decide right now.

Let me sleep on it.
Sure is, I kinda dig bob's mini V, but it's got a kahler...If it had a Floyd, for sure....so I don't know...But they are all pretty sweet.... :icon_biggrin:
DangerousR6 said:
jalane said:
i'm having a tough time with this vote, lots of nice geetars.  I can't decide right now.

Let me sleep on it.
Sure is, I kinda dig bob's mini V, but it's got a kahler...If it had a Floyd, for sure....so I don't know...But they are all pretty sweet.... :icon_biggrin:

Yea, I am kinda diggin' his mini V  as well.  Plus, I remember the hell he went through on that build...
Marko said:
oh the other thing about it, it turned out so glossy, I was never able to get a true oil that glossy ever again..

:sad: I was planning use Tru Oil on the headstock of the new neck, but I want it to be satin or half-gloss...
NonsenseTele said:
Marko said:
oh the other thing about it, it turned out so glossy, I was never able to get a true oil that glossy ever again..

:sad: I was planning use Tru Oil on the headstock of the new neck, but I want it to be satin or half-gloss...
you can get some Deft satin, or semi gloss nitro. Or I would imagine that you could use steel wool on the tru oil for a satin finish.... :dontknow:
I just bought Tru-oil... These things are really hard to find here, bought it from other state, 500miles away at least... :tard:

the max thin steel wool I found was the 00, hope I can get at least the 000...
NonsenseTele said:
I just bought Tru-oil... These things are really hard to find here, bought it from other state, 500miles away at least... :tard:

the max thin steel wool I found was the 00, hope I can get at least the 000...
Surely there's some #0000 steel wool somewhere in Sau Paulo... :dontknow:
Whatever you do keep it away from your 9volt batteries! The old lady gets pissed about bonfires on the dining room table.
This sucks so big....

No, not the vote! I mean my current situation. I knew this month would be the 'owner finished' and my most recent guitar has been finished by yours truly, but since I'm moving from my parent's home to my new home, with all the decorating and furnishing-stuff that's supposed to go with it, I haven't been able to a: access the internet, and b: post here for this poll...

well, I'll have to wait another 2 months I suppose. Oh well, next month I'll enter my warmoth-finished singlepiece quilt top tiger eye burst :D
Congrats..... :occasion14:
That was my pick as well.

Many other nice ones as well.

The competition seems to get tougher and tougher every month...a true testament to the Warmoth product and the level of pride we all take in building these beautiful guitars.
Glad to see some Korina win...an under appreciated wood for sure!  My plain jane tele pales in comparison.
Congrats to troubledtreble; that's a fine piece of work that deserves recognition. Keep it up!

And keep in mind there are only 109 shopping days left until Christmas! What're ya gonna build for yourself for that?