Schaller Hannes Install


Senior Member
I really like the aesthetics of the Schaller Hannes bridge. I watched a few videos how to install those and got extremely intimidated since I don't own proper woodworking tools (except a drill) and I don't want to ruin a good Warmoth piece.

Would you encourage me to still try and install it myself or hire a luthier? If the latter, what would you pay for a job like this?
I would not encourage you to do it as you do not have the correct tools.

I personally would not pay for a job like this but your mileage may vary. I would either do it myself if I have access to the tools or use a different bridge if I do not.
There’s an old thread here somewhere, where a forumite hired a luthier to install this bridge on his very fine Warmoth body.
The installation didn’t go well and there were a lot of swearing.
So in conclusion - this isn’t a job that even a luthier might pull off.
If you don’t have the right tools and you don’t have the experience you will probably not succeed.
An experienced luthier should be able to do it, but as that story showed, not all do.

Oh God... Damn, I can't believe there's any reliable way to get that bridge installed. It looks so pretty and ergonomic...

Guess it'll be Hipshot then.
I did not post it before as I assumed you may have already looked into it.

All the tools and details are here...
stratamania said:
I did not post it before as I assumed you may have already looked into it.

All the tools and details are here...

Yes, I have seen that. The thing is that I am gradually trying to expand my horizon as a hobby builder. At this point I can pretty much handle full assembly (incl electronics) and finishes. Now the Hannes requires a bit more than that. My question is if I should try the install myself as a next step of becoming better or if I'd be biting off more than I can chew?
Been a while since I looked at that bridge.  I seem to recall Schaller had a PDF of the installation process, with scale drawings of the routing/drilling templates you would need.
alexreinhold said:
stratamania said:
I did not post it before as I assumed you may have already looked into it.

All the tools and details are here...

Yes, I have seen that. The thing is that I am gradually trying to expand my horizon as a hobby builder. At this point I can pretty much handle full assembly (incl electronics) and finishes. Now the Hannes requires a bit more than that. My question is if I should try the install myself as a next step of becoming better or if I'd be biting off more than I can chew?

I don't think I can answer that for you as I do not know your previous experience with tools and woodworking in general.

Do you have all of the tools needed including routers and a column Bohrmaschine?  Pillar drill or drill press for American and English readers. It also needs a decent swing to be able to fit the body in and have the reach needed.

If you feel confident and have the tools and practice on scrap first rather than a body perhaps you can do it. But if you don't have the tools you are looking at a reasonable amount to spend to start with.

Have you had a go at fret level, dressing and crowning, nut making etc those may be other next steps. But remember the tools you need in many cases can become quite costly for just a couple of jobs.
stratamania said:
I don't think I can answer that for you as I do not know your previous experience with tools and woodworking in general.

Do you have all of the tools needed including routers and a column Bohrmaschine?  Pillar drill or drill press for American and English readers. It also needs a decent swing to be able to fit the body in and have the reach needed.

If you feel confident and have the tools and practice on scrap first rather than a body perhaps you can do it. But if you don't have the tools you are looking at a reasonable amount to spend to start with.

Have you had a go at fret level, dressing and crowning, nut making etc those may be other next steps. But remember the tools you need in many cases can become quite costly for just a couple of jobs.

I guess I'm not bad at tools but have close to no experience in woodworking. The cool thing in Germany with tools such as Bohrmaschinen (not bad stratamania - when it's your next visit?) is that you can borrow them fairly cheap for a weekend. But you're right, i should focus on other basics first and get to woodworking once I actually own the tools.

But damn... I really like the Schaller Hannes, bit of a shame... :-/
In Dutch it is a kolomboormachine unless it is a version for the table then it is a tafelboormachine. The similarities of some words is not that far away, but I am glad I do not have to learn German grammar  :) My wife is Dutch and we live in Belgium so I am working on improving my Dutch.

I look forward to when I can next drive to Germany...
stratamania said:
In Dutch it is a kolomboormachine unless it is a version for the table then it is a tafelboormachine. The similarities of some words is not that far away, but I am glad I do not have to learn German grammar  :) My wife is Dutch and we live in Belgium so I am working on improving my Dutch.

I look forward to when I can next drive to Germany...

I think in Germany it's mostly know as Tischbohrmaschine. I studied 4 years in Maastricht and Rotterdam, so I know some Dutch - it's pretty much an easy version of German :)

Where are you from originally though and where in Belgium do you live? Let me know when you're in Berlin - I'll treat you for a beer :)
alexreinhold said:
stratamania said:
In Dutch it is a kolomboormachine unless it is a version for the table then it is a tafelboormachine. The similarities of some words is not that far away, but I am glad I do not have to learn German grammar  :) My wife is Dutch and we live in Belgium so I am working on improving my Dutch.

I look forward to when I can next drive to Germany...

I think in Germany it's mostly know as Tischbohrmaschine. I studied 4 years in Maastricht and Rotterdam, so I know some Dutch - it's pretty much an easy version of German :)

Where are you from originally though and where in Belgium do you live? Let me know when you're in Berlin - I'll treat you for a beer :)

I am English and my wife is Dutch. We live close to the Dutch border to the North of Antwerp. I used to live in Amsterdam for several years. Its a long time ago I was in Berlin, definitely in the last century.  The last time I was there was to visit Cologne.
Got it, that is not too far away...although at the moment due to avoiding travel etc it seems a long way at the moment.
Just called a very experienced luthier in Berlin asking how much it costs to install the Hannes. He said: "it'll be 100€ but I truly recommend not to do it. The hassle associated with this bridge does not justify the pros - which are very minimal".

I guess I'll go with Hipshot then... :)
Love hipshot, Babicz and Gotoh bridges.  Always got them to work fine.