
Jaguar Bridge Post Riddle

Die TV

About to start building a Jaguar with Warmoth body and neck etc... (I know how to play guitars but my knowledge stops there!) I want to install a roller bridge and Warmoth doesn't offer any options for that on their site. It seems that the bridge post spacing about a millimeter off (shorter) on the Warmoth body than most roller bridges on the market! Does anybody know a decent roller bridge option that WILL fit the Warmoth Jag body? Do you just ram the slightly large bridge into the Warmoth holes? Do I suck it up and just buy the bridge Warmoth offers? Do i have a luthier drill the bridge post holes to accommodate the bridge i buy? I like to crush the tremolo and want the thing to stay in tune best it can.... Thanks guys!
About to start building a Jaguar with Warmoth body and neck etc... (I know how to play guitars but my knowledge stops there!) I want to install a roller bridge and Warmoth doesn't offer any options for that on their site. It seems that the bridge post spacing about a millimeter off (shorter) on the Warmoth body than most roller bridges on the market! Does anybody know a decent roller bridge option that WILL fit the Warmoth Jag body? Do you just ram the slightly large bridge into the Warmoth holes? Do I suck it up and just buy the bridge Warmoth offers? Do i have a luthier drill the bridge post holes to accommodate the bridge i buy? I like to crush the tremolo and want the thing to stay in tune best it can.... Thanks guys!
Most roller bridges are tune o' matic (Gibson style) bridges. The standard Warmoth bridge route for a Jaguar is the Fender Jaguar/Jazzmaster bridge which looks somewhat similar but is not compatible with a t.o.m. bridge. If you want to use a roller bridge on your Jag I would call/email Warmoth and ask if they can do their Jaguar/Jazzmaster tailpiece route with a tune o matic bridge route instead of the J/JM bridge.

Or you could ask just the tailpiece route and have a luthier drill for the t.o.m.
Most roller bridges are tune o' matic (Gibson style) bridges. The standard Warmoth bridge route for a Jaguar is the Fender Jaguar/Jazzmaster bridge which looks somewhat similar but is not compatible with a t.o.m. bridge. If you want to use a roller bridge on your Jag I would call/email Warmoth and ask if they can do their Jaguar/Jazzmaster tailpiece route with a tune o matic bridge route instead of the J/JM bridge.

Or you could ask just the tailpiece route and have a luthier drill for the t.o.m.
Thank you so much for that response! I'll call Warmoth tomorrow and pop the question, thank you, I had no idea that those roller bridges were predominantly a Gibson style thing. I have a Jazzmaster that has the roller bridge and just figured it was a normal thang... Merry Christmas!
Perhaps post a photo of the bridge you are referencing, @ragamuffin and @Die TV you may be talking about different things.
Hi thank you for helping out! Here is a picture of the one on my jazzmaster that I like, and also a pic of what appears to be a very similar one that i could purchase on Stewmac:

Screen Shot 2024-12-27 at 1.38.06 PM.png

Thank you, let me know what you think!
Most roller bridges are tune o' matic (Gibson style) bridges. The standard Warmoth bridge route for a Jaguar is the Fender Jaguar/Jazzmaster bridge which looks somewhat similar but is not compatible with a t.o.m. bridge. If you want to use a roller bridge on your Jag I would call/email Warmoth and ask if they can do their Jaguar/Jazzmaster tailpiece route with a tune o matic bridge route instead of the J/JM bridge.

Or you could ask just the tailpiece route and have a luthier drill for the t.o.m.
Just got off the phone with Warmoth, they can NOT do a t.o.m. bridge rout on a Jaguar body.... They said that they could do NO bridge rout and I could have a luthier do it... kind of a bummer but Im sure i can find a luthier that will do it
Just got off the phone with Warmoth, they can NOT do a t.o.m. bridge rout on a Jaguar body.... They said that they could do NO bridge rout and I could have a luthier do it... kind of a bummer but Im sure i can find a luthier that will do it
That's unfortunate, t.o.m.s are fairly common on on Jags/JMs etc. Drilling for the bridge should be really quick and easy though, just need a drill press
I saw that Guyker makes a roller bridge made specifically for jazzmasters. Should be perfect for your Jag build. Not sure how you feel about the brand, but it seems like they make decent stuff.
I drilled for the studs on this conversion. Roller bridge and trem work great. You can too!IMG_4756.jpg
If you are making a Jaguar from Warmoth parts, the easiest thing would be to use the bridges etc that they sell as the bodies, as Warmoth mentions are intended to work with the Warmoth's Jaguar pickguard and parts. It is not a retrofit for other guitars.

If you can drill for studs yourself or have someone, do it for you, that as others have said, is an option to use one of the other bridges.
Just got off the phone with Warmoth, they can NOT do a t.o.m. bridge rout on a Jaguar body.... They said that they could do NO bridge rout and I could have a luthier do it... kind of a bummer but Im sure i can find a luthier that will do it
I can't believe that in the year 2024 there are no roller bridges on the market that will drop into a Jaguar. Maybe that's my calling!
That's unfortunate, t.o.m.s are fairly common on on Jags/JMs etc. Drilling for the bridge should be really quick and easy though, just need a drill press
yep, thanks for your help!
I saw that Guyker makes a roller bridge made specifically for jazzmasters. Should be perfect for your Jag build. Not sure how you feel about the brand, but it seems like they make decent stuff.
Hey thanks for the info, I'll check them out!
I’ll 2nd that. Also, as the JM and Jag bridges and trems are basically the same, I am curious if you also experience the low break over?

I solved mine with a Mastery bridge. Up there in price, but it is exceptional quality and addresses the issue. I do not be have loss of tuning issues either.
I have seen guyker tuners and bridges on Instagram, wondered if anyone can vouch for them