Just assembling my Tele. Since my knowledge about electronics is about following diagrams can you tell me guys what difference is between those two: Fender texas special and SD standard tele as linked below, i can see a different cap value, different wiring of tone pot and totally different way of attaching wires to the switch but do they change sound like pararell/series, phase etc. Which one would you recomend for a sood sounding standard tele wiring. The pickups i have are tele texas specials.
Just assembling my Tele. Since my knowledge about electronics is about following diagrams can you tell me guys what difference is between those two: Fender texas special and SD standard tele as linked below, i can see a different cap value, different wiring of tone pot and totally different way of attaching wires to the switch but do they change sound like pararell/series, phase etc. Which one would you recomend for a sood sounding standard tele wiring. The pickups i have are tele texas specials.