
RSA red trans bass with PF neck

Steve_Karl said:
ghotiphry said:
Okay, first things first.  Here's the neck!  Cagey has it now!

That's really nice looking!

What is Cagey doing to it?

I ordered it without frets or a nut.  He's burnishing the neck meat and fretboard.  Installing threaded inserts.  Installing provided tuners.  Installing frets (gold EVO), leveling, crown, dress and polish.  Fabricating and installing a black TUSQ nut.  Installing the provided string retainer.  And finally he puts it on the bench and sets the truss rod and nut slots for my strings, then lets it settle, and checks it all out again.  So, I get the final pleasure of applying a name plate, although he would have done metal decals if I wanted them.  Other than that, Cagey's got it handled.
Frets!  (and a good look at the MOP side dots.)

Taped up and ready for dressing.
Completion!  I mounted the neck, strung it up, and intoned it last night.  Cagey, man you do good work.  Best action of any bass I have.

I scored an original BadAss II bridge off ebay and decided this is where it needs to be.

I snapped a few pics with my phone, and at the time I thought they weren't bad.  Taking a second look, they all suck.  Here's the least bad.


Thank you for the kind words.

I've been waiting to see this little lovely finished, and I must say it's better than I imagined. Gorgeous! Makes me wanna play bass.
Absolutely. Basses win, too.

As an aside, every time I see the title to this thread, my mind automatically translates it to "Rivest, Shamir, & Adleman Red Trans Bass With Power Factor Neck" and I experience a moment of cognitive dissonance.

Too many acronyms in my head  :laughing7:
Yeah, given a moment's thought. The other happens to me automatically. Occupational hazard.
Nerd alert.  NEEERRRDDD ALEEEERRRRT.  Really?  Public key cryptography?  What's even worse, Cagey, I at least knew what you were talking about with RSA.  Power Factor, that I don't know.

Logrinn, I like your acronym better.  :laughing8:
Oh man. OH MAN. That neck on that body looks absolutely amazing. So does the everything else. I think I'm in love.

That's a mighty fine bass you got there. Definitely GOM material, no doubt about that. Now I really REALLY miss my old Warwick bass. Maybe I need a bass...
ghotiphry said:
Power Factor, that I don't know.

Power Factor is an electrical term most folks don't hear about as it rarely affects their power bill in a way that they'd notice. Power generation and industrial engineers need worry about it when sizing transmission gear, facilities and equipment. I was in the resistance welding business for a while, and that machinery puts a real hurt on a factory's power factor correction schemes because it presents a very heavy reactive load in short, intermittent bursts.
Thank you guys.

Soooo, power factor went over my head, but that's okay.  I'd rather discuss public key encryption schemes.  (No.  Not really.)

Tonight I will try to get some better pictures.
In support of my bid for GOM, I'm uploading additional pics.  Thanks for your indulgence, and sorry for the shameless plug.





