RIP Meatloaf


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I just saw that Meat Loaf: Bat Out of hell singer has passed away at 74. RIP.

“We know how much he meant to so many of you and we truly appreciate all of the love and support as we move through this time of grief in losing such an inspiring artist and beautiful man,” Meat Loaf’s family said in a statement. “From his heart to your souls … don’t ever stop rocking!”
I just saw this on the news.  A talented person. Went to a concert on his Story Tellers tour.  Definitely a great concert.
That Bat Out Of Hell album was huge. I was 10 when it came out and I would swear the soundtrack of my days (or my transistor radio) was nothing but that, Saturday Night Fever and the Star Wars theme.
I can't exactly say that this was something I liked. I think I have always been someone who gets real tired of when something is unavoidable and over-exposed.

That said, some decade later I was far more able to appreciate it for what it was.
And EVERYTHING about it was HUGE. Big songs, big arrangements, big vocals, BIG singer.

It seemed to be the culmination of a 1970s trend of music reaching for a more updated "pre-Beatles" sound.
Or as many have pointed out, it was like a mix of Wagner, Phil Spector and Bruce Springsteen (Born to Run era) all turned up to 12. Probably the pinnacle of 1970's bombast.
Plus, I was much better able to appreciate Jim Steinman's lyrics than I was at 10.
As a fellow Texan, I salute you Loaf....