Questions about Dye vs Transparent / Color options


I have afew questions if some kind people dont mind answering.

First off, When does this sale end? I think im gonna order something this week, I hope it lasts until then at least! Just need some info before I commit to anything.

First - Whats the differences between a Dye and Transparent finish?? I have my eyes on one of the G5 bass bodies, Quilt tops, such as here -

What would work best on that, Dye or Transparent? Anyone have comparison pictures of them?

Second - Is there custom colors available? Specifically, I would LOVE to get this color combo, its pretty much the "Carribian burst" but with Amber in the middle instead of natural.. (just look at the finish, the guitar is what I plan on getting done from a custom luthier, but a matching bass would be sweet)

All of the finishing options are explained on the Warmoth site - in their finishing section.

Dyes are transparent colors, pigments, rubbed directly into the woods grain.  These can be covered with clear or transparent or opaque colors for other effects.  Dyes tend to add vibrancy and contrast of the grain, and bring out the grains character and "look".

Transparent colors are colored finishes that are see through, and are applied over the wood, not into the wood.  They can be used as a complete finish, or to partially cover the dyed area for a "burst" effect.  You can see the grain through these finishes, but they dont add to the vibrancy of the grain.

Opaque colors are non-see through colors, which are used as a complete finish, or over the edges of the body, over dye or transparent colors (or both) for a burst effect.

Opaque finishes may not need a clear coat - some look better with one.  Transparent finishes and dyes usually get a clear coat.
So what would work best in my situation, on a Bass body with a quilt top from the showcase? I am leaning towards that Caribbean burst if I can't get my custom colors..
Buy the body, then CALL Warmoth and talk to them direct.  There are options not listed on the web pages... which vary from time to time, and expect an upcharge (but they're always fair)
As far as the sale dates goes, it ends whenever Warmoth trims down the showcase to a reasonable size.  It's their own internal magic inventory number, so it's impossible to tell.  Best advice is to order soon.  Sales at Warmoth are rare.
Blue313 said:
As far as the sale dates goes, it ends whenever Warmoth trims down the showcase to a reasonable size.  It's their own internal magic inventory number, so it's impossible to tell.  Best advice is to order soon.  Sales at Warmoth are rare.

Rare, or this is the first sale ever, and possible forever?
That paint scheme can be done. It would be a tobacco burst with a blue pearl burst. It would be custom and an upcharge, i cant tell you how much i just paint them but sean my supervisor could tell you.I have done a lot of cutom work but it is up to the big guys to determine if it is cost effective for us to allow it.

At any rate it would be a fun one to paint i hope they let it pass through!
I've really come accustomed to the Caribbean burst, so I may just go with that, but ill try calling to ask about my "Skyburst" (as I call it).. but It is iffy, not knowing how something will turn out, where I can at least see pictures of caribbean bursts and know kinda what I'll be getting.

I'll see the upcharge, if its not crazy I'll probably go with mine though.. It will match my custom 7 string a luthier is building for me.
well. Im canadian, and I just read that Warmoth isnt a toll-free number? Guess I wont be calling them. Hopefully I can get a response in email
First off, does anyone have a ballpark idea what the upcharge of my custom paintjob would be? Its basically like a tobacco burst or something, with the caribbean burst sides.. Would that be like, a $100 increase? $200?? $300?? I cant call them (too expensive) and waiting for emails is uncertainity so I want to know if I should bother or just order a caribbean burst today or so.. Theres only 3-4 bodies left that I am interested in so far, with two I wanted being sold over the past 2 days. Plus not sure how much longer this sale is going to go on for..

Skyze said:
First off, does anyone have a ballpark idea what the upcharge of my custom paintjob would be? Its basically like a tobacco burst or something, with the caribbean burst sides.. Would that be like, a $100 increase? $200?? $300?? I cant call them (too expensive)

Not to disappoint you, but if the phone call is too expensive, the actual paint job will probably be out of reach as well.  Its like that old saying; if you have to ask, its too much.
I dont think so, because the difference is if I am playing for something that is MINE forever like a paintjob, that is different than long distance because this is the only company that doesnt have a toll-free number.. I order from Carvin all the time, and their toll free number makes it so simple. The only reason im even trying Warmoth is cause Carvin doesnt do bodies by themselves, otherwise I'd go with them again. Best customer service BY FAR in the guitar world.

I am willing to pay up to $350 for a paintjob, I would pay more if I knew what I was getting but havent exactly heard the best things about Warmoth's paint crew matching the directions people give them when doing custom orders, so its scary to potentially caught up more than $350 for paint alone when you aren't sure what you are getting.

Skyze said:
I dont think so, because the difference is if I am playing for something that is MINE forever like a paintjob, that is different than long distance because this is the only company that doesnt have a toll-free number.. I order from Carvin all the time, and their toll free number makes it so simple. The only reason im even trying Warmoth is cause Carvin doesnt do bodies by themselves, otherwise I'd go with them again. Best customer service BY FAR in the guitar world.

Wait for a Warmoth employee to post in this thread, and hopefully their answer will be enough to satisfy you!
Schlieren said:
Skyze said:
I dont think so, because the difference is if I am playing for something that is MINE forever like a paintjob, that is different than long distance because this is the only company that doesnt have a toll-free number.. I order from Carvin all the time, and their toll free number makes it so simple. The only reason im even trying Warmoth is cause Carvin doesnt do bodies by themselves, otherwise I'd go with them again. Best customer service BY FAR in the guitar world.

Wait for a Warmoth employee to post in this thread, and hopefully their answer will be enough to satisfy you!
One did.  Ty does the finishing at W.

Ty said:
That paint scheme can be done. It would be a tobacco burst with a blue pearl burst. It would be custom and an upcharge, i cant tell you how much i just paint them but sean my supervisor could tell you.I have done a lot of cutom work but it is up to the big guys to determine if it is cost effective for us to allow it.

At any rate it would be a fun one to paint i hope they let it pass through!
I could nail that color spot on even with it being a virtual guitar build. I would assume they would up charge $100  at least. Far as color matching just like i did in my own company we will get it damn close but variables always exist. Sean will ask me if it is worth the trouble to do this guitar, and i would suggest to him its custom but no problem.

That is odd you are hearing Warmoth not following directions, if anything it would be comunications getting crossed. but one pissed off customer will try and move the masses!

If Sean handed me the picture of your guitar i could paint it with no problems.

Greg can give you details on pricing

Good luck
Well, I tried and the warmoth rep that emailed me back said Warmoth couldnt do my options I wanted, No paintjob like that and no extra 2 control knob routes.. No response on the topic of bridge spacings either. So I think I am going to get a custom Carvin bolt instead, it will be cheaper, they can nail the color I want (its already been done before, real results) and I was getting a carvin neck anyways.

So unless you can help me yourself Ty, and give me the email of someone who can help me put in this order, I dont think any of the ones taking the emails seem interested in my business.

I actually got a NO on this finish from TWO Warmoth employees; Spike and Jason.