
Question for those who have built a Warmoth Firebird


Senior Member
Question for those who have made a WARMOTH Firebird, with the raised center laminate option:

With the standard location of the potentiometer holes, Is there sufficient clearance between the raised center ridge, and the edges of the upper tone/volume knobs?

Looking at the pics on the side, and of some builds, it makes me wonder if you could even fit a Gibson tophat/bell/speed knob in there.  It looks as if it would rub against the side of the raised ridge.

Please advise.
I was wondering that myself - seems they use the Les Paul template for the 4 control holes.

The real Firechicken control layout is different, kinda a tri-arrow with one offset:

Yeah, it definitely is more LP-ish.  Which I LIKE, for sure.  I like the even parallelogram shape of the knobs.

The standard, Gibson Firebird layout seems kinda like a haphazard arrangement to me. And I hate top mounted jacks.

Yes, there is definately room...

I did question this myself when I was ording this body.  
It sure did not look like it from the picture online, but it turned out there was plenty of room and my knobs are faily good sized.  

I have never posted a pic of my finished firebird, ROC a.k.a. Da' Bird,  but you can see an in progress pic of her here:


Good luck and be sure to post some pics if ya do a bird...


Here is a pic of ROC finished.  It still looks very close in this pic, but believe me, there is plenty of room for the knobs...


Black Dog said:
Here is a pic of ROC finished.  It still looks very close in this pic, but believe me, there is plenty of room for the knobs...



HOOO-AHH!  :icon_thumright:  :o  :icon_thumright: