Oh heck, it isn't fair of me to let people I agree with take all the heat.
What interests me about this thread is the way a lot of us feel that we can't or shouldn't separate Page's different aspects, i.e writing songs and playing them live. I personally feel it is okay, and in Page's case, necessary.
The playing in that video doesn't suffer from a lack of technicality. It suffers from a lack of ability/skill and an overabundance of Papaver somniferum. It's a lot like that horrid video of Michael Schenker we've probably all seen. If not, search for "Schenker drunk" on YouTube. They ought to make them both anti-drugs/booze commercials.
I'm just glad others feel the way I do about Page (but I wasn't brave enough to say it). Peerless producer, arranger, and songwriter. For which he will very deservedly be remembered for decades if not centuries. He wrote the soundtrack to my adolescence, and his music remains as vital today as it was when it was new.
As a live player, though, it's just not happening.
Am I the only one who seems to hear a distinct change in guitar tone in the Song Remains the Same version of "Rock and Roll"'s solo? About 2:09, the tone changes significantly, and the playing significantly improves. I don't think it's just a Treble Boost. I know, everybody fixes live albums. But the issue is what he's playing before the change. Eek. I've tried quite a few times to sit through that movie, and I just can't.
In real life, his live shortcomings will, for 99% of his fans, be either unnoticed or not considered and thus have virtually no impact on his image. And he deserves that image. I do think that the solo in Stairway to Heaven is probably the best ever. But I can't sit through the live version. That said, I'll listen to his albums for the rest of my life and longer (depends on how longs the batteries in the iPod in my casket last).
Well, all the albums except the Song Remains the Same soundtrack.
But it isn't just Led Zeppelin. Steely Dan and Boston are two examples of bands that just couldn't make it live, although their challenges were more technical than narcotic, I think. I preferred Van Hagar live to Van Halen because Sammy was a much better live singer. Not as entertaining, but without Dave TV, you got a lot more music, and that's what I was there for. I think there's a darn good reason they never released a Roth-era live album.
Insisting on some inseparable relationship between facets (i.e. you can't say he's a bad guitarist because of what a great songwriter etc) leads down the road that says just because someone is good live, you can't say they're a bad songwriter. No one plays Yngwie Malmsteen songs at their prom. Not even in Sweden. And thank God for that.
I think we, as guitar players, have a much greater interest and investment in this contradiction. I doubt other people do. In the broad scheme of things, even if some Guitar Tribunal declared him a bad live player in a very real and legally binding sense (that's a Holy Grail reference, btw), the rest of the world would say 'So what?' Do you think they even care that the 'Stairway' solo was played with a Telecaster?