
Best and Worst bodies for a Baritone Conversion Neck?


Senior Member
(Yes, I’m aware of Aaron’s video on Conversion Necks in the real world)

What is your ranking from worst to first of how well (or poorly) the various Warmoth shapes would handle a Baritone neck?

Is the Jazzmaster the best? It seems big enough to really handle the extra length. Are the Strat and Soloist close seconds? Is a Nomad or V-K nearly out of the question? Maybe a Z?
Since I’ve only played a baritone tele and it was fine … try a jazzmaster ... I love that body shape.
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I've got a baritone conversion neck (28.625") on a fairly light Strat body with no neck dive. I think the fact that the upper horn extends pretty far towards the headstock, compared to a Tele, helps with balance. But... visually it seems too small to me. I've got an order in for a Warmoth JM style body that I think will just look a little better to my eyes. It will probably sit on my knee (I usually play sitting) with the neck a little farther to my left, because of where the JM lower contour is compared to the Strat, but I think it will be fine.