
Post what you're listening to!

I run hot and cold on Ray Lamontagne.  Sometimes he's a little too sensitive-singer-songwriter-y for me, and other times, as in the video you just posted, Mike, he seems to have found his funky side and let it all hang out - in a good way.

Here's today's listening for me. Herbie Hancock is a freakin' genius.  And his colleagues ain't a bunch of garage-band punk rockers, neither.

That Hancock/Shorter et al thing was great. Here's something from one of my favorite guitar players, Shane Theriot, who should be a lot better known than he is:

I had never heard of Shane Theriot before, but sure am happy that you posted this clip to remedy this.
Will check out more stuff from him.
Many thanks.

For some reason there is hardly any of his studio work on YouTube. Check out his albums Dirty Power, The Grease Factor, and Hwy 90. They're in iTunes .
Here's an impressive arrangement / performance of Charlie Parker's "Yardbird Suite" by Mike Oria:


Monster chops!
I've already seen two mind-blowing shows this year.
The clips aren't footage from the particular shows, just clips for sharing.

"Godspeed You! Black Emperor," in Oakland, CA on 02.03.16

"Magma" in Portland, OR on 03.21.16
Iggy Pop, The Passenger.  No idea who comped the video together but it's quite cool in itself.

One Thousand Wings by White Moth Black Butterfly. I really hope they are going to releasing another full-length album, as this one is quite good.
Pure brilliance!


NB Cagey, these guys are in Detroit, if you wanna check 'em out.
Okay, silly grade-school yuks aside, Rob Bourassa (the ukuleleist in that video) has an enormous number of instructional guitar videos on Youtube and can flat out play the guitar.  Worth checking out.
I'll look him up.

While we're on ukuleles, ever heard Jake Shimaburkuro? He does some nice covers...

Thanks for this clip. Never heard of him.
Very impressive. Not exactly George Formby ...
Steve Kimock gets it done.

I have never really been able to relate to the Grateful Dead, but Kimock, who has been in the Dead's orbit for 30+ years, seems to provide a window into that world for me.  Great extended jams here.
