
Post what you're listening to!

TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
... Iron Maiden: Book of Souls ...

I've been all about Maiden lately too. Last I saw them was on the Somewhere in Time tour so the bass player and I scored tickets to the LA Forum show on the 15th next month. Can't wait.
Scofield, somehow at the controls of a Telecaster, instead of his signature Ibanez.

ThePhilosopher said:
Katatonia while retouching some photos from a shoot I did yesterday.

I find Katatonia is a really depressing band to listen to. But I love their music.
Wayne Krantz, kids.  This will give you some idea what can happen when you set forth with an affirmative desire to not play like anyone else.  Mad skillz, killer timekeeping.

Amen!  I was geeking out on Krantz vids for hours on end a few nights ago!  Saw him in the late 90s or so (Grenwich Mean-era) during his residency at the 55 Club in NYC...great, great stuff.
The mindblowingly beautiful and talented Anoushka Shankar, child of Ravi, sister of NOrah Jones:

Thanks for sharing this. I enjoy indian music in the right doses, and she seemed very talented indeed.

The sitar seems like such a weird instrument though. It seems to have all things wrong with it. It surely has to be extremely neck heavy. And the tuning must be ... well, let's just say that the Jazzmaster and Jaguar with their flimsy tremolo must be rock solid compared to a sitar.
And how about a smooth satin finish on the back of the neck to allow for fast moving up and down  ...? Well, forget about that. There seem to be frets on the back as well!
What about nice cut grooves in the bridge saddles so that we get a clean sound ..? No, let's go the other way: let's make it buzz all the time!
Strange ... mighty strange ...
I sure am impressed with those that can play such an instrument. And make it sound good no less.

Your guitars must sound terribly thin with no resonators, and how do you cope with the limitations of fixed frets? Lol One set of harmonic intervals, how very Platonic! Megalols!. And everything being slightly out of tune? Nasty!

Bagman67 said:
The mindblowingly beautiful and talented Anoushka Shankar, child of Ravi, sister of NOrah Jones...:

:not_worthy: :not_worthy: :not_worthy: :not_worthy: :not_worthy: :not_worthy: :not_worthy:
Proggin' it up today:


Greg Lake is still thin enough for the leather pants in this video, but he's nearing the edge of the abyss.
^ That's like a postcard from the post-life of another life (i.e. concert from 25 years ago of music from 20 years before that!).