
Possible to put a fixed bridge on a body w/back cavity route?

Oh yeah, I knew there was reason I was going to put this one in AGWAN's The "Questions Too Stupid To Deserve Their Own thread" Thread.
But this morning I was Too Stupid To Remember what the reason was.
Funky Phil said:

You can make your own for a lot less than 25 bucks..  :icon_scratch:

mine was made up of 5 different scraps of wood, cut, shaped, glued.. It was a floyd routed body.
ihavenothingprofoundtosay said:
Did YOU buy that rear-routed mahogany Strat, Scottie?

Wish I could take the blame, but it wasn't me. I don't even recall seeing the one you're referring to. Mine is made of some darker wood. You might say it's "Black" and something else...