OK... I know this is not going to make things any easier, but I say it anyway...
If your way into the world of P basses is anything like mine, then there are lot's of those small dudes sitting on your shoulder whispering in your ear, that you better put a J pick up in there also to make it more versatile, and you better do all kinds of things, except just building a straight up P bass. I'm sure your friends also tell you that a P bass is junk, just has one tone (the one that sucks), the J bass is much more modern, more versatile etc etc etc...
Well, after I build my Warmoth P bass my -otherwise wonderful- Warmoth J is collecting dust. AND I'm so happy that I made it a basic P with just the one old school split coil pick up. This is the bass I'm talking about.
Yes, it's much more limited in the range of tones I can get out of it, but who cares, when what it does sounds so damn good? And good in the sense, that no matter how I tweak the knobs on my other basses I can't get a sound that is even in the same ballpark.
Before I build it, I also thought J basses was much better looking than a P bass. Today it's the other way around. I just LOVE the simplicity of the P bass. Love it..!
If you need ONE bass that can do a bit of everything then the P bass might not be the right thing. But if you have other basses, then I suggest that you go ALL IN and build an old school P monster bass

ccasion14: And remember to string it with some nice flats..!